I think addadude was having a laugh, vbelle.vbelle wrote:what curious me is that..if the boy is 10/12..why didnt he feel embarrassed?

As an exercise for future challenges justify this one. A friend of mine, living few years back in Mayfair condo (Jurong West) told me this story. He was sitting in the pool when a Chinese guy with a small kid (~5y or so) came to the pool, put down the kid's shorts and the kid started to pee to the pool. My friend asked him politely "WTF you think you're doing?" and got the answer: {voice tone="complete surprise"}but this is just a child!{/voice}econoMIC wrote:Good rant Vaucluse. Unfortunately a rather pointless rant. It was outside Compass Point and the nearest toilet was (I am not joking) 30 seconds away. She had just walked past it on her way out! There is no way you can justify this.
So you call my post a rant and you come up with that?econoMIC wrote:
Good rant Vaucluse. Unfortunately a rather pointless rant. It was outside Compass Point and the nearest toilet was (I am not joking) 30 seconds away. She had just walked past it on her way out! There is no way you can justify this. You children or not. If there is a toilet 20 metres around the corner it should be possible to not urinate where people walk (the drain was in the middle of the sidewalk) and instead walk the 20 metres to the loo. The boy was 10 or 12 by my reckoning. At that age children should have the bladder control to keep it in five more minutes, or in this case 30 more seconds.
Bloody legend, mate . . .you should have put a nice "lurgie" in between his eyebrows and should have started shouting "you frigging communist, Singapore will never adopt communism you China man" while waving your arms violently. That would have been an eye for an eye.
Did she get all woozy at her he-man bullying a woman? Did you get a bit of slap and tickle that night, seeing as you were filled to the brim with testosterone?How disgusting is that I said to my wife.
Hey mister judge me based on one post. My reply about the lurgie was a joke, too bad you don't get that. It is great you can put people down based on a situation you didn't even witness. Get of your high horse. Great that you saw people shitting and urinating all over the place in many countries. I don't care about that though. Please keep in mind that the drain the boy urinated onto was on a walkway used by thousands of people, right in front of the entrance door of a residential unit everybody has to step onto when they enter and leave. If you don't mind stepping into faecal matter ever time you enter your home be my guest. It is just sad that you assume the way I spoke to the lady was in an aggressive manner. Pretty sad that this is the only way of communication you know it seems. So please, stop being so full of yourself.Vaucluse wrote:So you call my post a rant and you come up with that?econoMIC wrote:
Good rant Vaucluse. Unfortunately a rather pointless rant. It was outside Compass Point and the nearest toilet was (I am not joking) 30 seconds away. She had just walked past it on her way out! There is no way you can justify this. You children or not. If there is a toilet 20 metres around the corner it should be possible to not urinate where people walk (the drain was in the middle of the sidewalk) and instead walk the 20 metres to the loo. The boy was 10 or 12 by my reckoning. At that age children should have the bladder control to keep it in five more minutes, or in this case 30 more seconds.
Yes, we will believe you that the boy was 10 or 12 . . . sure he wasn't 16 or 17 and the drain ran alongside the toilet wall?
So, you justify telling off a woman, in front of her son, for offending your sensibilities and your perception of what is necessary or not?
And this coming form the same person who wrote in the same thread:Bloody legend, mate . . .you should have put a nice "lurgie" in between his eyebrows and should have started shouting "you frigging communist, Singapore will never adopt communism you China man" while waving your arms violently. That would have been an eye for an eye.
Did she get all woozy at her he-man bullying a woman? Did you get a bit of slap and tickle that night, seeing as you were filled to the brim with testosterone?How disgusting is that I said to my wife.
I've lived in many countries and have seen far more repulsive behaviour than anything mentioned here . . .
Try any city in Holland for the odd dog-shit-dodging, vomit-skipping, adults pissing on church walls in plain sight . . .
Go on, you bloody legend, tell off a 6'5 Dutchman . . . friggin' weasel
Try any city in Holland for the odd dog-shit-dodging, vomit-skipping, adults pissing on church walls in plain sight . . .
Urine tastes good in swimming pool water. Something about the combination of chlorine and urea.....yummmmmmmmmx9200 wrote:As an exercise for future challenges justify this one. A friend of mine, living few years back in Mayfair condo (Jurong West) told me this story. He was sitting in the pool when a Chinese guy with a small kid (~5y or so) came to the pool, put down the kid's shorts and the kid started to pee to the pool. My friend asked him politely "WTF you think you're doing?" and got the answer: {voice tone="complete surprise"}but this is just a child!{/voice}econoMIC wrote:Good rant Vaucluse. Unfortunately a rather pointless rant. It was outside Compass Point and the nearest toilet was (I am not joking) 30 seconds away. She had just walked past it on her way out! There is no way you can justify this.
Ok, I can top that. A few years ago my husband peed into our laundry basket.road.not.taken wrote:OK, I can top it.
I was a Paris Silk at Holland Village a few weeks ago. A western family (accent was Swiss, French? hard to say and not really relevant, probably not Singaporean though and certainly not Asian) was there with their little girl, she was maybe 3.
She kept tugging on her mother's hem and asking her something, but her mother was preoccupied shopping for a camera until finally, you guessed... she peed all over the floor, the girl, not the mother. Mom looks down, sees what's happening, doesn't break her dialogue to the sales clerk, keeps talking, shouts over to husband who is at the other end of the store, and keeps dickering over the details of the camera. Daughter is now standing in a sizable puddle.
Two other shoppers have now tracked urine through the store, one almost slipped in it.... The woman didn't ask her husband to come and take the child and clean her up, or find someone with a mop & paper towels, she asked him how much memory was in their old camera. Their daughter has just urinated all over the floor of a retail establishment, is near tears with embarrassment but no, our top priority is the size of our former memory card.
More people track urine through the store, one woman says something outloud after finding her designer shoes in human waste and says 'oh my god' ~ then and only then does the mother say something like: can you clean this up? My girl peed on your floor. How do I turn off the autoflash? Here's an idea~ why don't YOU clean it up you self-possessed wretched excuse for a parent?
I'm sorry, what was this thread about?
Is this really the last thing? I somehow doubt it. You make the comparison between dogs and children, I made the comparison between manners and habits in different countries . . . Are you from Melbourne by any chance?econoMIC wrote:
Hey mister judge me based on one post.
Well, it is the reply you gave.
My reply about the lurgie was a joke,
Ah, yes. In retrospect it was a joke . . . of course it was as no reasonable person would advocate that . . . emphasis on 'reasonable'.
One last thing: please don't compare a 12 year old boy with a dog. That is disgusting.
Okay you two, time out, kiss and make up, you remind me of myself and SEeconoMIC wrote:Hey mister judge me based on one post. My reply about the lurgie was a joke, too bad you don't get that. It is great you can put people down based on a situation you didn't even witness. Get of your high horse. Great that you saw people shitting and urinating all over the place in many countries. I don't care about that though. Please keep in mind that the drain the boy urinated onto was on a walkway used by thousands of people, right in front of the entrance door of a residential unit everybody has to step onto when they enter and leave. If you don't mind stepping into faecal matter ever time you enter your home be my guest. It is just sad that you assume the way I spoke to the lady was in an aggressive manner. Pretty sad that this is the only way of communication you know it seems. So please, stop being so full of yourself.Vaucluse wrote:So you call my post a rant and you come up with that?econoMIC wrote:
Good rant Vaucluse. Unfortunately a rather pointless rant. It was outside Compass Point and the nearest toilet was (I am not joking) 30 seconds away. She had just walked past it on her way out! There is no way you can justify this. You children or not. If there is a toilet 20 metres around the corner it should be possible to not urinate where people walk (the drain was in the middle of the sidewalk) and instead walk the 20 metres to the loo. The boy was 10 or 12 by my reckoning. At that age children should have the bladder control to keep it in five more minutes, or in this case 30 more seconds.
Yes, we will believe you that the boy was 10 or 12 . . . sure he wasn't 16 or 17 and the drain ran alongside the toilet wall?
So, you justify telling off a woman, in front of her son, for offending your sensibilities and your perception of what is necessary or not?
And this coming form the same person who wrote in the same thread:Bloody legend, mate . . .you should have put a nice "lurgie" in between his eyebrows and should have started shouting "you frigging communist, Singapore will never adopt communism you China man" while waving your arms violently. That would have been an eye for an eye.
Did she get all woozy at her he-man bullying a woman? Did you get a bit of slap and tickle that night, seeing as you were filled to the brim with testosterone?How disgusting is that I said to my wife.
I've lived in many countries and have seen far more repulsive behaviour than anything mentioned here . . .
Try any city in Holland for the odd dog-shit-dodging, vomit-skipping, adults pissing on church walls in plain sight . . .
Go on, you bloody legend, tell off a 6'5 Dutchman . . . friggin' weasel
One last thing: please don't compare a 12 year old boy with a dog. That is disgusting.
Try any city in Holland for the odd dog-shit-dodging, vomit-skipping, adults pissing on church walls in plain sight . . .
I actually missed the post because i was so involved in my own vendettax9200 wrote:No, not really.dazzlebabe wrote: Ok, I can top that. A few years ago my husband peed into our laundry basket.
Oh, are we talking about the locals?
ksl likes this!Vaucluse wrote:Is this really the last thing? I somehow doubt it. You make the comparison between dogs and children, I made the comparison between manners and habits in different countries . . . Are you from Melbourne by any chance?econoMIC wrote:
Hey mister judge me based on one post.
Well, it is the reply you gave.
My reply about the lurgie was a joke,
Ah, yes. In retrospect it was a joke . . . of course it was as no reasonable person would advocate that . . . emphasis on 'reasonable'.
One last thing: please don't compare a 12 year old boy with a dog. That is disgusting.
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