Hello X9200 and Happy New Year all..
Sorry to reply so late
, but better late than never, i always say.
Be it a lifetime or 2, hopefully it will happen, that SG will become a truly gracious country, without our government need to encourage, in some ways SG is a lot better than say 30 years ago,
and i feel that we have achieved it by encouraging foreign companies into SG, and of course the expats.
By learning, sharing and understanding each other through the years and being more "Westernized" we have improved tremendously, compared with our neighbors.
And i think that by continuing to interact, we can have hope that 1 day, we will be a world class nation.
Our education system is changing, to groom the future generation of SG Boys and Girls to be more well rounded, and i have trust in our government, to show us the way, step by step.
I am proud to be a Singaporean...
More questions on what a local feels... please.