sundaymorningstaple wrote:Traveled well! Made it from the Substation to Orchard before somebody couldn't resist! The smaller posters were adhesive backed peel-offs and were selling like hotcakes at the launch. It wouldn't surprise me than there were not more around. Looks like somebody else tried to take it down for a souvenir but instead just screwed it. I have one of the big posters but it's not an adhesive backed one. They were also selling the CD's (tho one came included with the entrance ticket cost), T's, posters, coasters, buttons, etc.
Actually, the only advertising was in various media on & offline and at the SubStation. The fans were responsible for after the fact stuff.
No, WIMH has a better command of English than you. If that is not "native English" then you are probably at EFL level.sundaymorningstaple wrote:Actually, I think he is doing just the opposite. ev's English, like WIMH's is NOT native (in the way that we are used to seeing from the 'average' local who come on here). But, having talked (verbally off the board) to both and actually meeting one, I can assure x9200 that both are well and truly Singaporeans who do Singapore proud. :wink:Vaucluse wrote:
x9200, I am not sure if you are making fun of ev-disinfection's English . . . but if you are then I would strongly suggest you rethink this strategy . . .
OP is not even literate to Singaporean primary one level. He deserves to be laughed at.boliaopeople wrote:Mate, because I've seen to many of this kind who will not think twice to look down their own kind just to be in the 'same level' as the expat.sundaymorningstaple wrote:Frankly, he is more than welcome as at least, even with his belaboured English, he at least is honest and it's a refreshing change. Rather than diss him, you might want to take a good look at yourself to see why you have to try to put him down.
I've nothing against Gay, or locals wanting to be expats, but I have problem with locals who do not respect themselves, their culture, their people, their believes.
What honesty are you referring too? Saying that most Singaporean do not know who is their PM as honest? Most Singaporean do not know the meaning of Majulah Singapura as honest? If those are honest to you, I guess he is just satisfying most of the expats here who like to put the locals down?
How many of those postings on top are posted out of respect for him or just making fun of him??
Cheers mate...
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