My daughter is 4 years old. She's two years from starting school in Australia so I'm looking for a nursery that has a play-based rather than academic style curriculum.
The centres I've spoken to said she'd be in Nursery 2 where kids learn to read, write, speak Mandarin, do maths and learn to use computers. With a little bit of play/music/art thrown in to make them better people. Frankly, this is not what I think she needs right now. I want her to make friends, develop her imagination and motor skills, get messy and have lots of fun.
Can anyone recommend somewhere in central Singapore where 4 year olds can learn through play alone, and leave the academic stuff till they're older? And is it too much to ask for somewhere that costs less than $1000 a month (the Blue House Nursery sounds great but boy is it expensive...)?
Any suggestions would be most appreciated!