Singapore Expats

snobby caucasians

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Post by Saint » Fri, 25 Sep 2009 9:06 am

Strong Eagle wrote:No, we're not all like that at all. I figure you can divide the Ang Mo's here into roughly two groups. There are those that are here because it is the necessary 2 or 3 year foreign stint to climb the corporate ladder. They can't wait to get out. They don't intermingle much and living here is sort of beneath them.

Then, there are the Ang Mo's who have made a life here... adopted this country and culture... you'll find them to be much more open.
SE has hit the nail on the head and you can spot the first lot a mile off, they just look totally uncomfortable in any situation that slightly veers from the norm and totally inept at being sociable

I live on the East Coast and to be honest I'm not on first name terms with anyone at our condo, but that doesn't stop me smiling and say hello!

If you want to mingle and have a glass or four of wine, pop down to one of the bars in Siglap, you'll get to meet a lot of the 2nd type the SE has mentioned!

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Post by x9200 » Fri, 25 Sep 2009 11:45 am

joliefemme536 wrote:This is definitely not limited only to Caucasians. My boyfriend lives on the East Coast and it's like pulling teeth to get anyone to speak to you in his condo. Geez, SPEAK if you are going to take the time and stare at someone's face for a whole minute!!!! Just rude!!!! :x

Off my soapbox, continue on...
Maybe this is something about East Coast? :wink: For my 8 years in SG (CCK and Holland area) I do not recall a single encounter with somebody not responding reasonably friendly to me (at least in the condos). I say Hi/morning and smile, and practically everyone responds with the same. And I do not think this is my charming personality radiating from my face. I am Caucasian.

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Post by ProvenPracticalFlexible » Fri, 25 Sep 2009 2:13 pm

road.not.taken wrote:
I don't think it's just a difference of those who like it here and those who don't as Strong Eagle suggested. Some expats want to think of themselves as the sole Ang Mo in a lonely locals-only outpost and seeing another expat disturbs their illusion. Sounds crazy, but I've seen it and heard it over the years.
I think the British would call this "the-only-gay-in-the-village" -syndrome. I guess it's common, but how to know what's the reason why people don't talk to you.

Though even an antisocial like me knows a few of my neighbors first name basis, namely the weekend morning early swimmers. But otherwise I'd go with Saint's approach. If I want to make friends and chat I go to a bar and meet people. Siglap has nice bars to make friends and so does Katong V. And I don't mean new filipino girl friends, but other expats, locals and all mixed crowds.

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Post by Strong Eagle » Fri, 25 Sep 2009 9:18 pm

ProvenPracticalFlexible wrote:And I don't mean new filipino girl friends, but other expats, locals and all mixed crowds.
"Wah! I wan you so much!"

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neighbour no speak

Post by forgivemyfrench » Tue, 24 Nov 2009 8:07 pm

Well, what I notice in Singapore is very similar to what I noticed in Geneva 20 years ago, some simply don't care about meeting new people.
The 2 cities share some interesting traits:

- a large number of expats coming for a specific business assignment, and relocating every 2 or 3 years. They are completely disconnected from any sort of social life after shifting lives so often. They spare their time and effort, focus on family life and forget about making friends with people who will relocate in 6 months and never be seen again,

- a relatively small portion of locals who feel proud about who they are and feel very different from the people who are 'visiting' i.e.: the expats.

So I was not suprised and not disappointed. I also feel tired of trying anyway.

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