SE has hit the nail on the head and you can spot the first lot a mile off, they just look totally uncomfortable in any situation that slightly veers from the norm and totally inept at being sociableStrong Eagle wrote:No, we're not all like that at all. I figure you can divide the Ang Mo's here into roughly two groups. There are those that are here because it is the necessary 2 or 3 year foreign stint to climb the corporate ladder. They can't wait to get out. They don't intermingle much and living here is sort of beneath them.
Then, there are the Ang Mo's who have made a life here... adopted this country and culture... you'll find them to be much more open.
I live on the East Coast and to be honest I'm not on first name terms with anyone at our condo, but that doesn't stop me smiling and say hello!
If you want to mingle and have a glass or four of wine, pop down to one of the bars in Siglap, you'll get to meet a lot of the 2nd type the SE has mentioned!