Nath21 wrote:SMS That means I might be a jerk or an evil clown can you post their descriptions as well so I can self evaluate please.
Hi Nath21
Trust your conscience. I don't know much about you but I believe you're a fine guy. Look, I started this thread as a sharing plot in cyber space to enjoy leisure chats, creative thinking etc. and perhaps to test the grounds for my future home. It's my first venture. Your responses were positive, charming and really decent. I don't mind Vaucluse, the brain teaser, either.
It's against my nature to go on a warpath, but I had to confront bullies who are disgustingly unethical and demoralising. Imagine, if you sow good seeds and out sprout bashing monsters with crooked mouths out to thrash and abuse freedom of speech. Read through my thread and you'll find big Goliath's bigotry and corrupt practice - eg. sending confounding, nasty pms to me. And he's one of the moderators.
We like the punchlines but bullying, bigotry and racism are unacceptable anywhere. It's amazing what goes on in this website.
For your reference, I was refering to Han Su Yin, author of And the Rain my Drink , Love Is A Many Splendoured Thing, etc. when I mentioned'old hand' in my initiating thread.
I've been so blogged, I feel like an unpopular president, Haha Irony is the bitch of history, as a competent journalist once commented.
Don't let them get under your skin, bruv. Have a great day - I miss Singapore, inspite of the threat. But what the heck - there's a tsunami in the South Pacific, so will you meditate for them?
If you're young and impressionable, keep on the right path, man. Life's short. Ahimsa.