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Changes to Income Tax Regulations for Ex-pat Aussies

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Changes to Income Tax Regulations for Ex-pat Aussies

Post by edtree » Sun, 06 Sep 2009 3:06 pm

There is talk (rumour) in Oz that our gov't is considering altering the two way tax agreement between Sing and Oz making ex-pats off shore earnings taxable back home.
Does anyone have any info?
P.s The Aust Tax Site does not mention this at present. If more than rumour, from being tabled to becoming law would take how long, does anyone know?
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Post by Nath21 » Mon, 07 Sep 2009 9:39 am

This has been covered already in previous threads. Only effects australian tax residents. The majority of australian people working in Singapore are non-tax residents of Australia. It unfortunately effects mainly aid workers, oil rig workers. military personnel and seasonal australian workers overseas.

It has nothing to do with the tax treaty between SG and Australia. That tax treaty covers getting credits for overseas tax paid. Nothing changes in respect to that.

I believe it was getting tabled at the next meeting of governemnet probably for implentation at the start of the new tax year next July 1.

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Post by edtree » Mon, 07 Sep 2009 2:43 pm

Nath21 wrote:This has been covered already in previous threads. Only effects australian tax residents. The majority of australian people working in Singapore are non-tax residents of Australia. It unfortunately effects mainly aid workers, oil rig workers. military personnel and seasonal australian workers overseas.

It has nothing to do with the tax treaty between SG and Australia. That tax treaty covers getting credits for overseas tax paid. Nothing changes in respect to that.

I believe it was getting tabled at the next meeting of governemnet probably for implentation at the start of the new tax year next July 1.
Thanks Nath21. I did try a few searches on the subject but came up zero and posted. This rumour is going around here as of last Friday.
Glad that's not the case.
live near a beach

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