My husband and I are considering a move to Singapore, or, rather, an attempt to move to Singapore. My husband would work, and I'd stay at home with our son and do some writing. I've been reading up on the EP and the PEP, and was wondering if he should try for a PEP now, before he has a job lined up, and before we're even living in Singapore, to make him more competitive on the job market? From the research I've done it appears that he meets the requirements. I realize that the PEP is a one-time, 5-year thing, but at this point in time our primary goal is to get to Singapore and get a job.
We're currently living in the US, but do have a local "contact person" (a family member) for potential PEP applications, etc. Should we pursue a PEP if we're not there yet? Or should we just wait until (we hope!) a job offer comes along and he can apply for an EP? If he does get a PEP, it appears that he has to go pick it up/go through the process in person in Singapore? We're living in the USA now, he has a job, and we can't afford (both in terms of time off from work and in cost of potentially multiple trips back and forth) to go to Singapore, officially get the PEP, and then wait to see if any actual jobs, or at least serious job interviews, come through. If he were to be granted a PEP is there a time limit to how soon you have to apply for it in person, or could he then put PEP-eligible (or PEP-pending?) on his resume/applications?
Any insight or suggestions (on the PEP, or on other strategies) would be much appreciated. We're still learning our way around and exploring our options, and are trying to figure out the most likely way to get ourselves to Singapore.