Singapore Expats

Urgent help needed - EP or PEP?

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Urgent help needed - EP or PEP?

Post by ladybug » Wed, 12 Aug 2009 2:07 pm

I am new to Singapore and looking for a good job oppurtunity here. Given the current market, is it better to apply for a PEP (which I believe I am elligle for) or better to seek a company sponsored employment pass (EP)

I will really appreciate some advice on this. Thanks!

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Post by littlegreenman » Wed, 12 Aug 2009 2:20 pm

Hi ladybug,

you can only get a PEP once and it is valid for 5 years. If you are jobless for six months, that is it, you will lose it. So you never really know when it is the best time to get the PEP. At the moment I personally believe that it is the time to use it as that way it might be easier to get jobs as no company has to apply for an EP for you and they don't have to justify why, which is the tricky bit currently as there are enough unemployed locals.

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