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by Thaiclan » Sat, 08 Aug 2009 4:10 pm
The Montessori method and many other similar education methods are child-led and inquiry based which allows the child to work at their own pace and pursue the tasks they wish to pursue not those that the teacher/curriculum/state requires them to.
Kumon is a memory based learning program, which teaches reading and math via repetition and lots of book study.
There is a whole range of educational methods available here in Singapore due to the cultures that reside here. Asian culture tends to prefer and adopt the rote learning, book study and "authority" lead approach, whereas the child-centered methods are frequently favoured by Europeans, Australians and US parents. (Of course not always, just generally).
I always think the best guide is to discover firstly what type of a learner your child is (before age 7) and then choose the method that fits him/her.