Not funny at all. This is the country were they prefer to wear their clothing label on the outside of the clothes so that everybody knows how "fashionable" they are. This is especially true if it's a Italian name nobody else has ever hear of.QRM wrote: Funny a guy in the adelphi shop said a local Singaporean would rather see his messy hifi than pay $400 bucks to have it hidden from view, and if he could afford the 400 bucks then his system would be really nice and would want to show it off anyway.
Good point. Same with all those people putting their frequent flyer tags on a backpack and then usually they aren't even gold or platinum statussundaymorningstaple wrote:Not funny at all. This is the country were they prefer to wear their clothing label on the outside of the clothes so that everybody knows how "fashionable" they are. This is especially true if it's a Italian name nobody else has ever hear of.QRM wrote: Funny a guy in the adelphi shop said a local Singaporean would rather see his messy hifi than pay $400 bucks to have it hidden from view, and if he could afford the 400 bucks then his system would be really nice and would want to show it off anyway.
Thanks for that just ordered it from him, still no stock but at least he can get it in a week.sillingw wrote:a couple of considerations, Russound also does IR distribution stuff - no idea if you will have better luck, but they have a distributor in the adelphi (opposite Funan)
Also, if their is a computer in the mix, you could get a Microsoft remote, the receiver has an IR repeater port and led wire - it just plugs into a usb port you get the receiver and the emitter and remote control of the PC.
Agree on the attitude in Singpaore, I just got over it a long time ago, plus for the wife approval factor, I need to hide wires and gear and it has to be easy to use - If you have a lot of technology, it becomes hard to even switch it on and off - on my system, even my five 1/2 year old can use and flip between PS3, TV, PC media center, DVD, radio etc......and it distributes to the whole house, now try doing that without IR repeaters, you would do nothing but run backwards and forwards - trouble is, most dealers in Singapore do not even understand the concept - you would think that the supposed high-end condo's would come pre-wired, it would be a great selling point and cost very little to do - just imagine the show flat. I'm sure there is a business here somewhere....
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