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Transfer from HK

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Transfer from HK

Post by malarky » Thu, 30 Jul 2009 4:36 pm

Hi All,

I am considering a transfer to Singapore from HK at the request of my employer. I am happy with my salary and overall compensation package in HK. However, I’ve been told by colleagues (unofficially) and have heard that if I relocate to Singapore, I should /could expect a cut up to 20% of my salary (no change in other benefits). The rationale for the cut is a lower cost of living in Singapore relative to HK.

My question is:
1. What are the things that would be cheaper in Singapore that would justify such a cut? Housing, perhaps?

2. For those individuals that transferred from HK to Singapore (whether or not with the same employer) did you encounter this argument when you negotiated the terms of your relocation? Of course, I understand each situation is different, but was just curious to know if this argument was thrown out there; and whether it holds water.

I feel that I shouldn’t suffer a pay cut simply because of where I’m living. After all, I will be doing the exact same job with the same level of responsibility and stress as I would be if I hadn’t relocated.

Any thoughts?

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Post by ScoobyDoes » Thu, 30 Jul 2009 4:54 pm

I said it recently somewhere else......

Keep your basic salary unchanged and let the company sign for your accomodation and work out any other package separately.

Why should your basic salary remain unchanged....... because i assume your work is unchanged!

Oh...... and there is no friggin way i would move here for 20% less, things here are not THAT cheap compared to HK, and in HK many things are actually cheaper.

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Post by mrslam » Fri, 31 Jul 2009 5:36 pm

It all depends on your negotiation with your employee. Generally, the pay scale in Singapore is lower then singapore. Though i managed to negotiate to keep the basic the same, the company freezed my basic when they do bench marking each year ... worse when it is in recession. Good luck in negotiation.

Swiss Wife
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Post by Swiss Wife » Sat, 08 Aug 2009 6:02 pm

We moved here from HK 3 months ago.
Housing is a lot cheaper for us.... Our housing budget from the company here is about 40% of what we had in HK and we have a comparable sized house - we had a 3000 sqft mid levels apartment.
Food costs for us have been similar. We eat out maybe 3/4 times a week in restaurants and food courts and the rest I cook.
Wine here is LOADS more expensive, that is either in the supermarket or out at dinner. Going out for a beer is quite pricy too - comparably unless you hunt down the happy hours.
We don't have a helper but the cost to have a live in helper is lower here.

It really depends on your lifestyle. The only thing that changed when we moved here was the housing allowance.......

If the cut is to the overall package including salary AND housing allowance then that is a different story but our package is all itemized separately, salary is unchanged....

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Re: Transfer from HK

Post by Usman_DC » Sun, 09 Aug 2009 12:40 pm

malarky wrote:Hi All,

I am considering a transfer to Singapore from HK at the request of my employer. I am happy with my salary and overall compensation package in HK. However, I’ve been told by colleagues (unofficially) and have heard that if I relocate to Singapore, I should /could expect a cut up to 20% of my salary (no change in other benefits). The rationale for the cut is a lower cost of living in Singapore relative to HK.

My question is:
1. What are the things that would be cheaper in Singapore that would justify such a cut? Housing, perhaps?

2. For those individuals that transferred from HK to Singapore (whether or not with the same employer) did you encounter this argument when you negotiated the terms of your relocation? Of course, I understand each situation is different, but was just curious to know if this argument was thrown out there; and whether it holds water.

I feel that I shouldn’t suffer a pay cut simply because of where I’m living. After all, I will be doing the exact same job with the same level of responsibility and stress as I would be if I hadn’t relocated.

Any thoughts?
I guess because of the fact that HK is too congested, the Housing rental is expensive (relative to size). But other than that, Transportation, food, entertainment is about the same.. if not, some places in Singapore may be more expensive. These all depends on your living lifestyle...

Good Luck in your negotiations with your boss...

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Post by ringo100100 » Fri, 04 Sep 2009 3:59 pm

I wouldn't take that cut. Hong Kong being expensive is now a myth. I lived in Singapore for 4 years, moved to HK for 6 months in Jan 09 and am now back here.

Being a single guy who likes a drink, almost everything is more expensive here in Singapore accept maybe food court food.

Single Housing - studio/ one bed/ small two bed - 20% more here.
Beer - 50%-100% more here.
Supermarket - about same.
Taxi - about same.
Bus/ MRT - about same.
Dinning out - about same.
Electrical goods - similar, maybe slightly more here as less copies.
Cloths - less markets here. But generally similar.
Health - about same cover provided - but I prefer Singapore standard.

But I don't know about cars/ schools / family houses etc.

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