They have to inform you employer because when you get the PEP it cancels the EP. The employer sponsors the EP. Why is that a design weakness? Because you want to be able to jump ship whenever you feel like it without due process? Don't you think that the business AND the Government of Singapore have a right to protect their interests? After all, they are contributing to the economy of the Nation. All the employee does is try to contribute to his own economy and the expense of the employer. This is especially so, if the employer has to train the individual. Additionally, while some employers "seem" to shaft the employee, remember, the employee wasn't forced to sign the original contract under threat of death. The employee signed on voluntarily. I'm not saying that all employers are up front (the bad apples are there and are being caught every day) but again, those running scams, usually do so with the express acknowledgment of the employee (who wants a job 'at any cost' including his own morals). So the employee is just a guilty as the employer.I don't see why they need to inform your employer in this whole process its really a design weakness in this PEP process because its trying to give the employee more choice whilst keeping in bed with the employer.
Go reread you contract. It also tells you that you also have the same rights. That IS law here. The employer can contract any terms they want but when it come to termination of a contract, they are required by law to give the employee the same options. So where is it unfair? And why, if it was unfair, did you sign it in the first place? Hoist by your own petard?Also its not like employers dont already have enough powers here. I can be sacked without notice or reason which is pretty much unheard of in other countries but legal over here.
Wrong. When I take you on as an EP, I agree, as a company, to guarantee that I will bear the expense of throwing you out of the country if the Singapore government determines that you should be thrown out of the country. I am also liable for any taxes that you have not paid when you leave.Nath21 wrote:What welfare and repatriation is the employer responsible for? None!
Nath21 wrote: PS: I dont mean to upset you SMS I just have an opinion and your evidence didnt persuade me otherwise and believe me my opinion can be persuaded. Thanks for your thoughts anyway.
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