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SATS Customer Serivice Agents

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SATS Customer Serivice Agents

Post by twinky86 » Mon, 20 Jul 2009 1:50 am

Would like to know what it's like to work at e airport as CSA? I heard lots of negative stories...isn't there any positive ones?

Need advise here..Thx.(In depth pls)

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Post by curiousitycat » Fri, 28 Aug 2009 1:12 pm

There are plenty of negative stories for a reason. But i can paint you a brighter picture if you like.

The positive side :

1. You get to start each day anew. We don't have our workload piling up for us the next day when we start.

2. We almost-always work with different people for each flight. Its very rare and almost non-existing to work with one person for the whole day.

In a way , the way our job is, is similar to that of cabin crew for these few reasons.

3. You meet so many people everyday, that even if you have one bad incident for that day, chances are someone else along the way will make your day.

4. You make friends quickly. In this job, you tend to realize the people around your work area sympathize with you when you've had a hard day, because they know what you're going through. Everyone has at least a few bad experiences, and knowing that you have someone there who's been through what you're going through makes it a little bit easier sometimes.

5. Our job is challenging and the environment can be tough, but it can also be fun, depending on how you choose to take things.

6. If you're concerned about weight, this job has you running from one terminal to another, so no worries there ! :)
(For the SQ people at least)

Honestly, i can't tell you that life's great there. Its the service industry and well, if you're a people person and optimistic, you'll do fine there. If things tend to get you down, then this job can be a bit stressful. I have had passengers scold me, I've seen the nasty side of some cabin crew, I've seen the even nastier side of my own officers and colleagues. But on the other hand, i have had the pleasure of meeting some of the most friendly stewards/stewardesses who smile at you whether its 6am or 11pm at night, had IFS's ( In flight Supervisors )who sing to me, colleagues who are so bright and cheery that the flight becomes a blast, and relaxed officers who don't pull a rank on you and you feel the team spirit.

I guess you take away the experience you wish to remember.
I hope this helps a little :)

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Joined: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 12:13 pm

Post by twinky86 » Sat, 29 Aug 2009 1:01 pm

thank u so much least it opens my mind ....

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Interested in SATS Customer Service Agents

Post by Kaputian » Fri, 25 Sep 2009 6:28 pm

Hi all,

My name is Vivian, and i'm looking forward to some info about vacancies for the post of CSA. I'm a PR holder with 4 years in Customer Service background, currently residing in Singapore.


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Betta don

Post by twinky86 » Fri, 25 Sep 2009 9:15 pm

Hi advice is betta don join tht pathetic company tht suck up e employee's blood...I joined recently n was terminated coz i failed my test..& even though i'm a part timer..i still gotta pay e $5k bond..ARRGGGhhh

Posts: 12
Joined: Tue, 08 May 2007 4:21 pm

Post by curiousitycat » Mon, 14 Dec 2009 2:00 pm

Yes you have to pass a few tests and go through training before you are confirmed as an employee of SATS.

For vacancies, SATS usually advertises on fridays so keep a look out if you are interested ^^

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