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Why the office is so quiet

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 1:56 pm

PMS can be as well if you are into S&M! :P

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Post by dazzlebabe » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 3:15 pm

hibri2 wrote:
dazzlebabe wrote: You got a problem with that????!!
yah, equality...

if girls are allowed in the office during their PMS, guys should be allowed in the office while being drunk... it is basically the same chemical imbalance behavior.

well, not really... drunk people can actually be fun.

I rather be drunk than Pre-Menstrual.

At least when you are drunk you don't feel pain... or shame.... or feel fat....

Where's the vodka when you need it most!
Just me


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Post by hibri2 » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 4:01 pm

dazzlebabe wrote: At least when you are drunk you don't feel pain... or shame....
that generally happens after being drunk... that and sometimes the monster on the bed to make it worst.


about the PMS, think on the bright side, in some countries it can be used to ask for leniency on murder cases. while being drunk just makes the whole thing worse for you during a murder case.
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Post by hiromice » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 5:20 pm

Haha, I am laughing. I have arrived in Singapore since last week. I joined the site when I was in Brazil, I travel a lot for my work.

I don't know exactly how I have so many IP address. I was never in GuangZhou.

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Post by hiromice » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 5:24 pm

I am from the US, and had couple trips to China while being an expat in Brazil too, but def. not Guangzhou City.

I will be traveling to EU in a month or so. Just so let you know.

Any other questions?

I personally don't agree moderator invade my privacy to publish it here! I have nothing to hide but it is not anyone's business where I travel or work.

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Post by dazzlebabe » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 5:37 pm

hibri2 wrote:
about the PMS, think on the bright side, in some countries it can be used to ask for leniency on murder cases.
yup! that and being a loony bin! Guess that means PMS = Loony Bin
Just me


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Post by hibri2 » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 5:44 pm

hiromice wrote: I have nothing to hide but it is not anyone's business where I travel or work.
you guys just don't get it, right?

well, while users keep just dont getting it; i will have means to get money and fun at both sides of the information security teams...


take care
"Do not pray in my school, and I will not think in your church." - Unknown.

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Post by hiromice » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 5:50 pm

hibri2 wrote:
hiromice wrote: I have nothing to hide but it is not anyone's business where I travel or work.
you guys just don't get it, right?

well, while users keep just dont getting it; i will have means to get money and fun at both sides of the information security teams...


take care
What do you mean? Who don't get it? I am just a simple forum user who travels a lot for work, anything wrong????

When I posted this question I was in the office in Singapore!

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Post by hibri2 » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 6:16 pm

hiromice wrote: What do you mean? Who don't get it? I am just a simple forum user who travels a lot for work, anything wrong????
sigh... that is it not a privacy issue

that IP as well as MAC addresses are an inescapable fingerprint of your and any user actions in what is commonly known as the internet. unless you really care for security and privacy and by care i mean know about and by know about i mean being a geek and not a common simple user, your actions in the internet are as spectacular as a cow in a china store.

that moderators generally volunteer a lot of their time babysitting a forum trying to deal from one side with all type of fauna trying to prey on simple forum users and at the other side with simple users with an overinflated sense of understanding of the internet and a need to turn even the most simple jokes into a civil rights movement. sometimes, mods can make an innocent joke, which i find it cool considering that most mods are by definition very nasty (at least in the type of forums that i hang around more).

that trends and patterns and information correlation are valid and necessary tools to enforce security and usage compliance to avoid exploits; sometimes a simple forum user trends unintentionally raise an alarm, think on a kid trying to pass a water pistol on an airport check, it will raise hell and not because sometimes is just a kid with a water pistol you will like to remove the airport checks, right?

and so on...
hiromice wrote: When I posted this question I was in the office in Singapore!
which is totally ok and no need to be ashamed about :-D but your IP resolved to china, i wrote a post somewhere above offering some insights to that.

anyway, we are talking about PMS, murder, S&M and drunkenness now... way more interesting if you ask me...
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Post by hibri2 » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 6:25 pm

dazzlebabe wrote: yup! that and being a loony bin! Guess that means PMS = Loony Bin
actually no, in that case i am referring to, the ruling was not of insanity (temporal or permanent) [which will generally send you to a criminal prison for the mentally insane] but leniency because of PMS... really cool, i mean, to get away with murder because of that.


Premenstrual syndrome may be effective as an affirmative defense to a criminal charge if the defendant can show that (i) she was suffering from premenstrual syndrome at the time the crime was committed; and (ii) because of her condition, either that the criminal act was an involuntary act or that at the time of the criminal act she did not possess the mental state required by law for the commission of a crime. Premenstrual syndrome has been successfully pleaded as a criminal defense in Great Britain but has not been tested in American criminal courts. It may now be possible, however, because of the increase of behavioral, psychological, and physiological studies precisely characterizing premenstrual syndrome and elucidating the necessary criteria for its accurate diagnosis, for the appropriate defendant to assert this defense in an American court. This paper discusses (i) the use of recent scientific data to demonstrate the existence of premenstrual syndrome; (ii) the use of standardized psychological tests or physiological assays to demonstrate that the defendant suffers from premenstrual syndrome; and, (iii) the legal choices to be made and evidentiary hurdles that must be overcome in presenting a premenstrual syndrome defense.
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Post by cbavasi » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 10:41 pm

hibri2 wrote:
actually no, in that case i am referring to, the ruling was not of insanity (temporal or permanent) [which will generally send you to a criminal prison for the mentally insane] but leniency because of PMS... really cool, i mean, to get away with murder because of that.
between the above and the "oreo cookie defense" my husband better watch it!


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Post by Vaucluse » Thu, 16 Jul 2009 1:05 pm

hiromice wrote:I am from the US, and had couple trips to China while being an expat in Brazil too, but def. not Guangzhou City.

I will be traveling to EU in a month or so. Just so let you know.

Any other questions?

I personally don't agree moderator invade my privacy to publish it here! I have nothing to hide but it is not anyone's business where I travel or work.
You are from the US? Cool. Where did you learn English?

hiromice wrote:
How come the office is so quiet here?
Fair cop, sms. I can't hear his office either

'nuff said Image

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Post by durain » Thu, 16 Jul 2009 5:17 pm

guantanamo bay is consider US as well. maybe the OP is being rendition from country to country. :P :)

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Post by hiromice » Thu, 16 Jul 2009 7:07 pm

I am from the US doesn't mean I was born there! Geez!!

Why giving such a hard time to a new user?!

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Post by hibri2 » Thu, 16 Jul 2009 7:13 pm

hiromice wrote: Why gives such a hard time to a new user?!

it used to be very nice, but most of the regulars and mods are getting old and grumpy :-D
"Do not pray in my school, and I will not think in your church." - Unknown.

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