hi there,
I was hoping that someone mght be able to addvise me. I am a secondary teacher with five years experience. My dream is to move to Singapore. The problem is my subjects; I am qualified to teach Philosophy, Religion and Psychology. The first two of these subjects rarely seem to be taught outwith the UK. I have downloaded an application form frm the MoE who say that it would be possible to place teachers in similar subject areas (in my case perhaps social studies). Does anyone know how likely ths is to happen? how much competition is there in the teaching market? Presumably an ACTUAL social studies teacher would be hired before myself unless there is a need for teachers. I understand most industry in Singapore has been hit by recession, has teaching been affected too? Is it possible to get supply teaching positions in International Schools?
If anyone has any ideas concerning any of the issues raised I would be extrememly grateful to hear them.
Many thanks,