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Yoskarn Clinic

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Yoskarn Clinic

Post by bluebaby » Tue, 29 Sep 2009 11:00 pm

Hi, Im thinking of going for Dr Somyos (for tip refinement and alarplasty) but his clinic hasnt answered my email yet. Im wondering if Im supposed to make an appointment via phone or something? Im based in the UK so I cant just pop down for a consultation unless Im really sure hes the one.

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Post by foxxie » Fri, 23 Oct 2009 3:39 pm

Hi ukorientalgirl, congratz to your successful surgeon!
i'd like to do my nose too., i think i'll go with Dr. Somyos too after i read your experience, i also heard many good reputations about Dr. Somyos..
If you don't mind can you please PM me your before and after photos?
Thank you so much!!
i really can't wait to get my nose done!


and how much does it cost for rhino with Dr.Somyos?

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Post by turnerdhr » Sun, 29 Nov 2009 1:54 am

Hi ukorientalgirl,


COuld you also PM me your pics too... i am a male and I am going for the same procedures as yourself.

as like the others, I think i'll go with Dr. Somyos too after i read your experience.

BTW, is the clinic nice?

location etc...?

so please.... If you don't mind........... please PM me your before and after photos

Thank you!! i ALSO really can't wait to get my nose done!

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Post by dreampotion » Sun, 29 Nov 2009 2:10 am

wow ukorientalgirl, congrats on your new nose
im very inspired after reading your post,
how much did you pay for the whole procedure? for nose and eyelash implant

if i may, can i see your before after photos?
08:midriff,thighs,arms vaser|face lipodissolve@TLC 09:lasik@PSLC|ceremic braces@alfred cheng|lipo revision@medan NEXT:lipo@medan|jaw@winston tan|nose@bk

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Post by takuda » Sun, 29 Nov 2009 12:24 pm

It just sort of irritates me to see Boii18(no offence) only replying to ukorientalgirl just because he is interested to find out more about Yoskarn. Confabulate has been asking Boii18 about his experience twice and he has obviously ignored. Well i'm assuming he did not PM confabulate.

I'm saying this because i personally PMed boii18 and he didn't reply me. I thought he didnt log in but oh well..To think i actually replied him when he PM-ed me about artwood clinic. Well, no offence. There is no obligation ro reply every forummer who asks questions. But if you are seeking others to answer the questions you have, the very least is to reciprocate? The worst i personally feel is the one where he says ''Hi all any updates''. -_-
Cry when you get ripped.

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Post by boii18 » Sun, 29 Nov 2009 7:54 pm

takuda wrote:It just sort of irritates me to see Boii18(no offence) only replying to ukorientalgirl just because he is interested to find out more about Yoskarn. Confabulate has been asking Boii18 about his experience twice and he has obviously ignored. Well i'm assuming he did not PM confabulate.

I'm saying this because i personally PMed boii18 and he didn't reply me. I thought he didnt log in but oh well..To think i actually replied him when he PM-ed me about artwood clinic. Well, no offence. There is no obligation ro reply every forummer who asks questions. But if you are seeking others to answer the questions you have, the very least is to reciprocate? The worst i personally feel is the one where he says ''Hi all any updates''. -_-
Are you a girl... you having your period now? If so, ignore my post, if not you read on..

You so RUDE!!

I talk to u many time on PM already!!

And .. I forgot to reply you only cos very busy!! Got one or two pple oso nv reply me wan!!

And U nv reali help me it was more of a COMMUNICATION!! between us .. OKAY!

Get the fact right!!

You acrimonious cheese!!

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Post by boii18 » Sun, 29 Nov 2009 7:55 pm

I tell alot about dr pat already!!

And the REASON why no comment about yoskarn is because not yet fully recover , no good to give my opinion at this MOMENT!!

OK!! :mad:

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Post by takuda » Sun, 29 Nov 2009 8:10 pm

Relax Boii18. Like i said, i have never denied your contribution about Dr Pat's work and your jobs done. I know you are busy and like i have acknowledged, there is no obligation for everyone to reply others' PMs. (well maybe only kind souls like advark would)

You talk to me a lot of time on PM?!?!! Oh my, there was only ONCE!!!And that time u PMed me about artwood's dr yang after a so called 'debate' with cerspn over big/small eyes. I replied to you and you didnt reply me already.

About a few weeks back i asked you about dr pat (i was interested THEN) and you didn't reply. I alr said what makes me angry is you weren't actually busy since you had time to post so many questions/asking for updates here? And also post weird questions on other threads like how to administer jabs?

You obviously have flawed logic - i did not comment on your feedback about Yoskarn. (Refer to my post). Please rebutt the correct argument, not one cooked up on your own. In case that was too lengthy for you, a summary:

You had the time to post here, ask questions pertaining to your own benefit, yet you nonchalantly ignore confabulate and myself. Well, like i said, NO OFFENCE, but yeah, it just irritates me a tiny weeny bit tht you pm pm pm when you want answers but refuse(not even busy -.-) to reply to others(confabulate and me for instance) when we needed help as well.

P/s: And it happens to be a tad too coincidental that you HAPPEN to have time to chance upon this thread to see someone replying out of your BUSY BUSY ns life? Hmmm.
Cry when you get ripped.

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Post by boii18 » Sun, 29 Nov 2009 10:39 pm

takuda wrote:Relax Boii18. Like i said, i have never denied your contribution about Dr Pat's work and your jobs done. I know you are busy and like i have acknowledged, there is no obligation for everyone to reply others' PMs. (well maybe only kind souls like advark would)

You talk to me a lot of time on PM?!?!! Oh my, there was only ONCE!!!And that time u PMed me about artwood's dr yang after a so called 'debate' with cerspn over big/small eyes. I replied to you and you didnt reply me already.

About a few weeks back i asked you about dr pat (i was interested THEN) and you didn't reply. I alr said what makes me angry is you weren't actually busy since you had time to post so many questions/asking for updates here? And also post weird questions on other threads like how to administer jabs?

You obviously have flawed logic - i did not comment on your feedback about Yoskarn. (Refer to my post). Please rebutt the correct argument, not one cooked up on your own. In case that was too lengthy for you, a summary:

You had the time to post here, ask questions pertaining to your own benefit, yet you nonchalantly ignore confabulate and myself. Well, like i said, NO OFFENCE, but yeah, it just irritates me a tiny weeny bit tht you pm pm pm when you want answers but refuse(not even busy -.-) to reply to others(confabulate and me for instance) when we needed help as well.

P/s: And it happens to be a tad too coincidental that you HAPPEN to have time to chance upon this thread to see someone replying out of your BUSY BUSY ns life? Hmmm.
NONSENSE!! I check my INBOX!! We were discussing about Levator muscle surgery!! We discussed about the PRICE only !! There was never cersepn in my picture and don't you dare bring him in OK!!

Your PM more childish!!
childish. i know you've gotten some good results from dr pat, but quit being a loser already. surgeries, surgeries and MORE surgeries. i personally have nth against you, and i replied to your pm regarding artwood. well, i will not stoop low to argue with you for it's degrading myself? just be aware that the other forummers are not DUMB, you asking asking asking, receiving, receiving and not expecting to reply to some people's pm, hmmmm. Asking people weird questions like how to insert whatever jabs? To be honest i was interested in dr pat, but not now!! hahahaha after one of our fellow forummer had some nasty ulcer thing. i'm visiting taiwan next week for my surgery. your help, is not NEEDED not appreciated now. I saved your before and after pics btw..haha..will say 'hi' to you if i bump onto you..have fun, surgery freak and chao ah gua look a like. Your failed attempt to of ''getting ur GF back to you by plastic surgery'' is nothing more than a fairytale. Although you have very few friends, there are people i know, who know you. NEHNY NEHNY POO POO.

Ahh inbox full. Just in time to prevent further trash from entering."

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Post by boii18 » Sun, 29 Nov 2009 10:55 pm

This is whatever that was said in PM btw me and you!!

And cersepn is my KOR KOR!! Dont drag him in into the PICTURE!!

We never TALK about him BEFORE!


And I ASK THE QUESTION Because I am TRAINED in intravenous infusion!! I have done more than 80 CASE! I am MEDIC!

YOu So RUDE!! My korkor will handle you I don't want to talk to you already!

Bye Bye Childish BABY!

From YOU

hellos, sorry for the late reply. i do have msn but i do not come online often. mmm, we can discuss on the forum regarding sure the rest of the forummers would stand to benefit as well..but april you're going..if youre thinking of asking me along not possible cos i have school commitments..i intend to start my ''makeover'' next november onwards..haha not really makeover..just my nose, revision eyes as priority. if have time or extra $ then consider other procedures like cheek/underchin lipo for a more chiseled look..*vainpots* Smile

From ME

heys, so the eye widening procedure is it done with a simple eyelid surgery? I think so lehs..o.o its called correction of ptosis.. though it may not be as dramatic as the eye widening you are talkin about??


oh, its okay we can talk on forums =)

From YOU

yes to think of it now the eye widening procedure is just another name of what is usually called ''muscle levator surgery'' which is simply to correct sleepy eyes or make the muscle tighter. well, i'm on a budget so i don't think i can afford's like he charges epi, double eyelid, and ''eye widening'' as individual procedures(costs) though he will do all at the same time..think it's too costly.

if you are considering TW, go for dr chuang IMO..not bad(vickyabc). but i think i'm settling for local ones like dr wong, who is quite reputable for eyes too. the problem with me is that the space between my eyelids and eyebrow is very VERY i do not know if there's any solutions to that or not. for ur eyes, it's at least better..can see got potential..normal dbl eyelids and epi should do the job..

From ME

thank U for your reply! if i am not wrong, the eye wide procedure as you mention is actually incurred in the cost of double eyelid surgery! i had emailed dr chuang about this, and he said that he can correct my slight droopy eyelid/ptosis. total cost he quote me was 25 000 k NTD which is the normal price!


hi boii18, would just like to ask you, cos u posted ur pics before and i rmber u had a huge change in the way you look, just like to ask, did u change ur pic on ic/passport? what about ns? aware tht u are nsf, will the change in way you look cause any problems? hope you can clarify these doubts, thanks!!! Smile

--> Then you start attack mii!! and SEND CHILDISH PM FOR NO REASON!!

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Post by takuda » Mon, 30 Nov 2009 9:11 am

Boii18, i have NEVER dragged cerspn into the picture. I merely said the other time when you asked me about the ''eye widening procedure'' was when i posted a link in the forum to cerspn cause we were arguing about things like ''if edison chen's eyes are big'' :s

With regard to childish PM: Boii18, i don't know how you define PM, but YOU YOU YOU PM-ed me FIRST-----> Neh Neh poo poo? (Willing to provide screenshots if necessary) That was my childish reply to your even more childish one-liner PM btw. :/

With regard to replying PM, so your point of quoting our PMs is? TO SHOW THAT I HAVE BEEN REPLYING YOUR PM (ALTHOUGH I DO NOT KNOW AS MUCH AS YOU)? You mentioned smth like ''our PM is only about prices'' and its ''communication''. Weird logic, so i can only ask you about prices in return and not other questions? :???:

Note: you haven't really answered the previous arguments regarding my reply. Not only are you deviating further, you are bringing in more invalid points by quoting our PMs. Anw, think sensibly what you wanna post on the forum, it makes you look silly. Cause the quoting of PMs is OBVIOUSLY to my advantage, showing how at least an inexperienced person like me BOTHERS to give you relatively paragrahed replies!!!!!

Yes yes,you are so busy, tuition, ns..and you are on the forum at 10.55pm, when i have already logged off. Mmmmm.

Lastly, this is not an insult but i seriously think you need to read 2000 times more(my replies)to correctly decipher what i said(maybe your KORKOR can help). Cause any sane being with primary school english would realise i DID not even drag cerspn into the pic??????????

Flawed logic + not-so-witty english + poor comprehension = Boii18.
Cry when you get ripped.

Posts: 609
Joined: Fri, 04 Jan 2008 3:14 pm

Post by boii18 » Mon, 30 Nov 2009 9:34 am

takuda wrote:Relax Boii18. Like i said, i have never denied your contribution about Dr Pat's work and your jobs done. I know you are busy and like i have acknowledged, there is no obligation for everyone to reply others' PMs. (well maybe only kind souls like advark would)

You talk to me a lot of time on PM?!?!! Oh my, there was only ONCE!!!And that time u PMed me about artwood's dr yang after a so called 'debate' with cerspn over big/small eyes. I replied to you and you didnt reply me already. (1)

About a few weeks back i asked you about dr pat (i was interested THEN) and you didn't reply. I alr said what makes me angry is you weren't actually busy since you had time to post so many questions/asking for updates here? And also post weird questions on other threads like how to administer jabs?
You obviously have flawed logic - i did not comment on your feedback about Yoskarn. (Refer to my post). Please rebutt the correct argument, not one cooked up on your own. In case that was too lengthy for you, a summary:

You had the time to post here, ask questions pertaining to your own benefit, yet you nonchalantly ignore confabulate and myself. (3) Well, like i said, NO OFFENCE, but yeah, it just irritates me a tiny weeny bit tht you pm pm pm when you want answers but refuse(not even busy -.-) to reply to others(confabulate and me for instance) when we needed help as well. 4

P/s: And it happens to be a tad too coincidental that you HAPPEN to have time to chance upon this thread to see someone replying out of your BUSY BUSY ns life? Hmmm.

I replied you about the eyes stuff! The evidence is above. Neh Neh Ni Poo Poo.


Different IV drugs ( not jabs ) have different method of administration and is largely dependant on the drug itself.

I have administered IV drugs like tramadol which is done by IV push ( as a bolus ) with saline/heparin flush before and after administration. The drip is stopped when injecting the iv drug.

But some drugs are administered through the rubber bung WHILE the IV is still RUNNING! That is rare though..

In most cases the ampoules are pre-diluted. In other case, we need to reconstitute in normal saline.

And in most cases, in the box got INSTRUCTIONS so someone may know about it!

What is WEIRD for asking for more details about the ADMINISTRATION of this IV drug?

Many people self-inject themselves, and furthermore i'm TRAINED


Didn't I say I overlooked? Hello!!? Childish Baby!


Didn't you PM me only ONCE and get no reply? Can't you have PMed me again to ask why I didn't reply?

You know that time you criticize my kor I was so angry, cause he told me and he very upset over it.

I think you got bipolar.
Last edited by boii18 on Mon, 30 Nov 2009 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by boii18 » Mon, 30 Nov 2009 9:35 am

takuda wrote:Boii18, i have NEVER dragged cerspn into the picture. I merely said the other time when you asked me about the ''eye widening procedure'' was when i posted a link in the forum to cerspn cause we were arguing about things like ''if edison chen's eyes are big'' :s

With regard to childish PM: Boii18, i don't know how you define PM, but YOU YOU YOU PM-ed me FIRST-----> Neh Neh poo poo? (Willing to provide screenshots if necessary) That was my childish reply to your even more childish one-liner PM btw. :/

With regard to replying PM, so your point of quoting our PMs is? TO SHOW THAT I HAVE BEEN REPLYING YOUR PM (ALTHOUGH I DO NOT KNOW AS MUCH AS YOU)? You mentioned smth like ''our PM is only about prices'' and its ''communication''. Weird logic, so i can only ask you about prices in return and not other questions? :???:

Note: you haven't really answered the previous arguments regarding my reply. Not only are you deviating further, you are bringing in more invalid points by quoting our PMs. Anw, think sensibly what you wanna post on the forum, it makes you look silly. Cause the quoting of PMs is OBVIOUSLY to my advantage, showing how at least an inexperienced person like me BOTHERS to give you relatively paragrahed replies!!!!!

Yes yes,you are so busy, tuition, ns..and you are on the forum at 10.55pm, when i have already logged off. Mmmmm.

Lastly, this is not an insult but i seriously think you need to read 2000 times more(my replies)to correctly decipher what i said(maybe your KORKOR can help). Cause any sane being with primary school english would realise i DID not even drag cerspn into the pic??????????

Flawed logic + not-so-witty english + poor comprehension = Boii18.

I got A for GP. Neh Ni Neh Ni POO POO!!
I would answer likewise, NO?

Yah My korkor busy with exam else he scold you already!! :mad:

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Post by takuda » Mon, 30 Nov 2009 11:41 pm

Haha, Boii18, i am seriously laughing at this. Whether you've got an A for GP or not, other forummers can tell. Wait we are talking about Advanced level awarded by University of Cambridge right? In case it was another bogus case like Ris Low's A1 for english. Oh well, we're not talking bout flowery language. Basic grammar+tenses, Boii18.

It's ironic how you say we should NOT drag dear cerspn into the picture, when you are the one who goes ''KORKOR'' in EVERY single reply? :???:
Cry when you get ripped.

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Post by boii18 » Tue, 01 Dec 2009 9:56 am

takuda wrote:Haha, Boii18, i am seriously laughing at this. Whether you've got an A for GP or not, other forummers can tell. Wait we are talking about Advanced level awarded by University of Cambridge right? In case it was another bogus case like Ris Low's A1 for english. Oh well, we're not talking bout flowery language. Basic grammar+tenses, Boii18.

It's ironic how you say we should NOT drag dear cerspn into the picture, when you are the one who goes ''KORKOR'' in EVERY single reply? :???:

You haven't commented on whatever ELSE I said above. You have LOST, don't you dare admit it!

You are a sick piece of rat!

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