Singaporeans cannot have dual citizenship, Singaporeans who give up their citizenship cannot work again in Singapore .. I am sure being a recruitment guru and pretty mch living on these boards you should have known this already right SMS? Right?sundaymorningstaple wrote:An Australian? As in currently holding Australian citizenship? Or formerly held Australian citizenship? So if the person applying for the job had been formerly a Singaporean who migrated to Perth or Sydney and took up citizenship then they could have applied for the job? If the position's requirement were that strict, then it should have paid at least a P2 set of wages along with suitable housing allowances.
As I said I came here because I was asked, not because I wanted to.sundaymorningstaple wrote: Or, was it like a lot of new Australian Engineers, in recent years, who get jobs up here because they place no value on themselves and will work for peanuts therefore destroying the job market for other expats? As you settled for an "S" pass, it's no need to reply as we already know the answer. Lot's of companies here like to hire a cheap expat and it's gives the company face to have an Ang Mo for window dressing. Hopefully, your lack of self-worth will not hamstring you in the future as someone without negotiating power.
Good Luck.
But hey thanks for playing the race card, who said I was Caucasian?
If you really have a dislike for expats, why are you a mod on this forum? to show that Singaporeans are jealous of other nations?
Are you upset being 22nd in earnings?
Fact, The average wage in Singapore is SG$30,000 a year.
The average wage where I am from is AUD$59,000 (SG$68,000)
I can rent a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom landed house for $1,200 back home.
I can buy a brand new car for $12,000 - $13,000
Trust me, I am NOT here because of work.