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Kindergardens & Playgroups

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Kindergardens & Playgroups

Post by abee » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 6:39 pm

Hi we are moving to Singapore in August with a 3 year old and a 9 month old I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a kindergarden for the oldest and if there are waiting lists etc
We are hoping to live in maybe Butik Batok or somewhere close to Clementi. I was also wondering if there was a playgroup in that area for our 2 boys, thanks for any help in advance

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Post by Homedad » Tue, 23 Jun 2009 12:26 pm

Can I just add a question of my own here? We may be moving to Singapore mid August too - no idea which area. One of factors in decision is cost of childcare. We have 2 children, three and a half, and 18months. Our eldest would need to be in kindergarden of some sort. Just wonder if someone can give us a rough idea of 1/2 day, full day costs. Thanks! (And many apologies for jumping on the bandwagon of this thread!) :D

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Post by mrdodge » Tue, 23 Jun 2009 2:09 pm

Homedad wrote:Can I just add a question of my own here? We may be moving to Singapore mid August too - no idea which area. One of factors in decision is cost of childcare. We have 2 children, three and a half, and 18months. Our eldest would need to be in kindergarden of some sort. Just wonder if someone can give us a rough idea of 1/2 day, full day costs. Thanks! (And many apologies for jumping on the bandwagon of this thread!) :D
My 3 /12 year old goes to White Lodge in Katong for 4 half days a week and it costs 1800 a term, plus bus of around 600 I think. Other schools vary and the bus depends on where you live, of course.

I have friends paying much much more and others paying less - kind of depends if you have a package and what your budget is. Places can be hard to get , so I'd start contacting schools now to get on the waiting list. Your relocation agent should be able to help - but the MOE has this as well

And, feel free to ask here of course


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Post by Rana » Tue, 23 Jun 2009 6:31 pm

How is white lodge...? i have a 2 yr old boy and live in costa rhu...very confused abt schools for him...we moved 3 months ago...need to register him to a schoool...not sure which one...

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