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by ksl » Tue, 23 Jun 2009 5:10 pm
If I'm not wrong, online banking is still pretty limited, although useful inside the Country.
Outside the Country is something else, with regards to those you are targeting, I mean you are looking at a specific income per household, otherwise you wouldn't be on an expat forum.
Again the banks never really like to make clear the liabilities and risks, involved with internet banking, and are loosing millions of $ to the cyber criminals.
I had been informed by my English bank, that I shouldn't use there service while outside of the UK, because I would have to bear the risk, so what good is it? Yes it is good for those inside the Country if they need it, although i would look at what the bank expects in return, and the risk factors to cyber crime, and who actually does have the liability.
I do know personally a few people that have had their bank accounts siphoned, because of their lack of computer security skills