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by Plavt » Mon, 08 Jun 2009 4:03 pm
sierra2469alpha wrote:Which is why Confucius never read the Sun
[Edit: typo]

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by ksl » Tue, 09 Jun 2009 1:12 am
Can anyone explain why most children are afraid of ghosts? I mean i remember quite well that i was nervous, but i would always go looking for them in old war bunkers and cemeteries just for the fun of it. Okay okay I was only a child, I mean Mr Bean is still doing it and my daughter is just way too afraid of them!
No ------ kidding I have experienced some way out stuff in my life, especially with a Ouija board, do you want to dance with the devil, ring this number! I could well have been possessed for about 10 or 15 years, advice don't mess with the unknown and have respect for the dead! I have a spirit sitting on my shoulder all the time after those bad times.
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by morenangpinay » Tue, 09 Jun 2009 7:38 am
i actually had a ghost experience. back in my old office because the building is old and alot of the places in it are dark and unlighted..happened around 7pm i was getting ready for going home and i went to the ladies room. when i was in there i heard a realllllllllly eerie voice of a man..he was just saying agggghhhghhhhh.. i didnt think of it as a ghost at first i thought there were people in the next room. BUT i checked it out and listened where it was coming from, I heard it was like coming from under the sink.then i got scared and got out and looked in the next room an there was no one. so i ran to my friends.
another time, we decided to sleep in the office overnight because we had a field work early morning. we could hear the door banging close an open.
all of us at some point also see someshadows passing really fast.
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by OogieBoogie » Tue, 09 Jun 2009 8:39 am
Encountering things you don't understand doesn't mean you have ghost experience.
Strong Eagle
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by Strong Eagle » Tue, 09 Jun 2009 9:12 am
morenangpinay wrote:i actually had a ghost experience. back in my old office because the building is old and alot of the places in it are dark and unlighted..happened around 7pm i was getting ready for going home and i went to the ladies room. when i was in there i heard a realllllllllly eerie voice of a man..he was just saying agggghhhghhhhh.. i didnt think of it as a ghost at first i thought there were people in the next room. BUT i checked it out and listened where it was coming from, I heard it was like coming from under the sink.then i got scared and got out and looked in the next room an there was no one. so i ran to my friends.
another time, we decided to sleep in the office overnight because we had a field work early morning. we could hear the door banging close an open.
all of us at some point also see someshadows passing really fast.
Sounds like someone having sex in the bathroom, then trying to sneak out.
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by QRM » Tue, 09 Jun 2009 11:24 am
While inspecting the roof void on a nearly completed hotel, I noticed a hole where the light fitting came through the ceiling, I saw all the contractors playing poker in the room below. To show them the shoddy workmanship I drop a few coins on them through the small hole. They all started to panic saying the spirits are angry and money is falling from sky. That evening the canteen was a buzz about the ghost of the hotel with theory about it being built on some burial plot of a merchant.
Mind you later in the week late at night while all alone in the long corridors, I noticed one the fire doors slowly opening and closing at the far end. I asked the contractor to check the faulty auto fire doors, turns out the doors are not powered,

probably one of the contractors trying getting his own back.
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by morenangpinay » Wed, 10 Jun 2009 1:27 am
nop there was no one else around in the area. the ladies room was in the back part..
the building really has alot of souls mostly from the former employees who already died.. the security guards told us they saw on monitor one of the employees walkin on the lobby one time. when he just died recently before the incident.
then i have two friends who have third eye they always see souls in the building.theres more tho. I used to say to see is to believe but after that i believe there are ghosts.
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by Plavt » Wed, 10 Jun 2009 6:17 am
morenangpinay wrote:nop there was no one else around in the area. the ladies room was in the back part..
the building really has alot of souls mostly from the former employees who already died.. the security guards told us they saw on monitor one of the employees walkin on the lobby one time. when he just died recently before the incident.
then i have two friends who have third eye they always see souls in the building.theres more tho. I used to say to see is to believe but after that i believe there are ghosts.

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by blue_thunder » Wed, 10 Jun 2009 9:34 am
morenangpinay wrote:
then i have two friends who have third eye they always see souls in the building.
I hope its not Rayban or Oakley.
I should have never posted this message !!!!!!!!

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by QRM » Wed, 10 Jun 2009 10:32 am
morenangpinay wrote:i have two friends who have third eye
You sound like the perfect type to fall for the come round to my house to see my third eye trick.

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by morenangpinay » Wed, 10 Jun 2009 11:09 pm
QRM wrote:morenangpinay wrote:i have two friends who have third eye
You sound like the perfect type to fall for the come round to my house to see my third eye trick.

lol not really lol im still skeered
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by blue_thunder » Tue, 16 Jun 2009 3:43 pm
At last , let the GHOSTS rest in peace
Cheers ~
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by PricillaQueen » Sun, 09 Aug 2009 5:46 pm

one reason why i never stay back too late in office haha and i never off the office lights before i leave if i am the last one there lol
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by ditto » Fri, 25 Sep 2009 12:30 pm
a hoax..
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by QRM » Fri, 25 Sep 2009 2:02 pm
ditto wrote:a hoax..
no really?

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