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How much is a 40-46" HDTV, and where to buy?

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How much is a 40-46" HDTV, and where to buy?

Post by forestial » Sun, 07 Jun 2009 4:02 am

My family will be moving to Singapore soon and we need to buy a TV.

We will probably go for a LCD HDTV in the 40-46" range from one of the usual major brands - Sony, Hitachi, Sharp, LG...

I'd like to get an idea of roughly how much this will cost. (Not much information on this on the internet, I have found.)

Any recommendations of where to buy?

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Post by bigfilsing » Sun, 07 Jun 2009 11:46 am


There are many electronic shops in Singapore so buying your TV won;t be a problem. Aside from hundreds of smaller shops there's a good few larger chains. Harvey Norman.....Best denki....... Courts ,,,,,Audio house
( google)
Getting a price now thats still accurate when you arrive is quite tricky as Singapore is quite small and the market is "supply" driven and the top brands are always looking for more market share.. 2 or 3 day special offers pop up all the time.

The pirce will be similar to the UK i guess. It's safe to say it's going to be cheaper than buying in the UK and shipping over.
The major brands all have service and warranty centres here as well.

Good luck

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Post by ksl » Sun, 07 Jun 2009 10:01 pm

The pirce will be similar to the UK i guess
That was when the pound was worth more I'm afraid, now it's probably too expensive to buy here in comparison to UK. with the $ at 2.31, it's getting better though!

Cheap if you are working here and paid in Sing $ you don't feel the pain. :)

Although my daughter in UK picked up a 50 inch Samsung for 750£ a year ago....

The biggest problem is that consumers do not normally have a clue about Flat Screen TV's so when they think they see a bargain, it will be an out of date model, not the latest technology, which many salesmen try to pass them off as the latest technology. So getting a bargain is really a tough job, unless you know and understand the technology.

But hey it's still very cheap when you think a good PC monitor would have set you back 500£ a few years back.

So when buying expect it to be out of date, because the industry upgrades and specifications are normally changing every 3 months or so.

For value they are all very cheap! Better the brand more expensive but 2k and up for a good HD one.
Last edited by ksl on Sun, 07 Jun 2009 10:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Strong Eagle » Sun, 07 Jun 2009 10:11 pm

You need to be aware that HD TV's are sold in two flavors... 1/2 the real resolution and and the real resolution of 1920 x 1080. There are also 1024 x 768 TV's.

For the real high res TV expect to pay S$2,000 and up depending upon features.

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Post by QRM » Sun, 07 Jun 2009 10:14 pm

Don't forget the latest "scam" cables in some cases are almost as much as the TV and the cables also becomes obsolete! HDMI 1.3, 1.1, 2.0 etc. So you think you are getting a bargain set of HDMI only to find its the earlier version.

What happened to the good old fashion co-ax and two phono leads, you could cut them to length and attach a new connector with a swiss army knife and a pair of teeth. Need to be a neurosurgeon trying that with an HDMI.

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Post by durain » Mon, 08 Jun 2009 4:28 pm

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Post by akhild » Mon, 08 Jun 2009 4:35 pm

i'd get a s-vid projector for a similar price..

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Post by ScoobyDoes » Tue, 09 Jun 2009 9:52 am

A couple of months ago i was forced into buying a new TV when my old (literaly) one blanked out...... must have been bored when my dad was watching golf.

Anywho, went to Audiohouse and picked up a new model Series 5 Samsung Full HDTV, 1080p for S$1800......... with a free 26" LCD thrown in. Now, if you don't want the spare TV you can pick it up from the redemption centre and take it to Audiohouse, who then give you $400 for it. Shelf price at the time was $600 and this is what we did.

Now, picture is great for the DVD's etc. but mear in mind that for normal TV very few channels are actually broadcast in HD.

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