The pirce will be similar to the UK i guess
That was when the pound was worth more I'm afraid, now it's probably too expensive to buy here in comparison to UK. with the $ at 2.31, it's getting better though!
Cheap if you are working here and paid in Sing $ you don't feel the pain.
Although my daughter in UK picked up a 50 inch Samsung for 750£ a year ago....
The biggest problem is that consumers do not normally have a clue about Flat Screen TV's so when they think they see a bargain, it will be an out of date model, not the latest technology, which many salesmen try to pass them off as the latest technology. So getting a bargain is really a tough job, unless you know and understand the technology.
But hey it's still very cheap when you think a good PC monitor would have set you back 500£ a few years back.
So when buying expect it to be out of date, because the industry upgrades and specifications are normally changing every 3 months or so.
For value they are all very cheap! Better the brand more expensive but 2k and up for a good HD one.