I pinched these from Hatton's forum, but i must admit some of these really made me laugh .
You have to feel sorry for Ricky Hatton: the biggest fight of his life, in front of 30,000 fans and millions watching it live on TV... yet he has to watch the highlights just to see how it ended.
What's the difference between a £20 note and Ricky Hatton?
The £20 note will last more than 2 rounds!
You have to feel sorry for Ricky Hatton: the biggest fight of his life, in front of 30,000 fans and millions watching it live on TV... yet he has to watch the highlights just to see how it ended.
Ricky Hatton's girlfriend was heard to say, "I don't know what the problem is, It makes a nice change for him to last for four minutes".
People are quick to criticise Ricky Hatton, but has anyone here lasted more than 4 minutes getting sweaty on the canvas with a little Phillipino?
Ricky Hatton should replace the girl on the speeding adverts. "Hit me at 20mph and there's a 20% I might block it. Hit me at 30mph and I'll be stone cold on the effing canvas."
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it still make the same noise as Ricky Hatton in round 2?
I heard that Ricky Hatton is going on the Jeremy Kyle show to discuss domestic abuse.
Apparently they are going to get a few women on to show him how to punch properly.
Why all the media hype over swine flu?!? Manny Pacquiao floored more Brits in 2 rounds than swine flu has in 2 weeks
I think Hatton did a good job blocking the punches with his face.
What have Ricky Hatton and Gary Glitter got in common? They both went down when they tried to take a little Filipino in the ring!
Ricky the hit man Hatton should take up painting
He already spends more time on the canvas than Rolf Harris
If I was looking for a hitman, I wouldn't choose one lying flat out on the canvas.
I want a girlfriend like Ricky Hatton.
Doesn’t mind taking it in the face and once she goes down she stays down.
After being knocked out for the second time, Ricky Hatton is on the verge of becoming the first Manc to be able to count to ten!
Whats the diffrence between Ricky Hatton and Amir Khan?
About three and half minutes.