I'm no lawyer but it sounds like she owned the property before they married. Therefore, it's hers. Also sounds like the business is hers, and not theirs... Cheating on her husband, moral issues aside, does not mean that he can take away her assets, or make claims on assets she has in her name. (In fact, the reasons for divorce are not even considered relevant in many countries, and would probably not make a lot of difference in dividing up matrimonial property.)woman_chartered wrote:Chance upon this topic accidentally and I'm hoping to get a better understanding of different legislations governing divorce cases across jurisdictions.
My bf is currently in the process of finishing up his divorce. From what I understand, they got married in Europe about 7 years ago. He came to Singapore to work 2 years back and the plan is for her to join her 1 year later. However, she got pregnant instead (not with his seed since he is on the other side of the planet) and the only option is to divorce. She owned the house in Europe but he is paying for the mortgage. In addition, all his monies and savings went to her business back in Europe. Of course after she break the news to him, he stopped sending money to her.
I understand that she is in the process of selling the house and is buying a new house with her new bf in France. He recently received a lawyer's letter stating that he have no claims over her new place in France. He also mentioned that he have no right over any monies on the house or her business, during the entire divorce proceedings, even though she is the obvious one cheating on him. If he try to fight for any monies he had contributed into the marriage, he will end up having to pay alimony which work out to be a worse off position on a long run.
He didn't cheat on her throughout the marriage or do anything up to months after he is "informed" of his ex's pregnancy (largely because he was in shock and was extremely depressed). We only started dating about a year after they decide to proceed to divorce. From what I understand, his divorce proceedings will be finally completed around the middle of next year.
I am trying to understand that everyone seems to claim Singapore have Woman's Chartered but pardon my understanding on family law, but I think in Singapore, if a woman cheat, there is no way she will get any alimony. In addition to that, I understand that they have filed to divorce under amiable grounds but the divorce proceedings seems to be extremely long and somewhat torturous for my bf.
From my perspective, it seems like she took all his money, got herself pregnant, and run away to France and buy her lover a new house while my bf is left with nothing, at least monetary wise.
Anyone who is familiar with European vs Singapore law, please help me understand
1) why is the divorce proceeding taking so long?
2) why doesn't my bf get any right to his money/investment when his ex is the one cheating?
This is purely for my personal understanding. Thanks!
And nope, they have no kids, fortunately.
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