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Dimple Creation Surgery in Thailand

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Post by perfectcut22 » Sat, 14 May 2011 3:29 pm

Kensan, dr chi is a very nice doc. Chin implantation is not even painful right?

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Post by kensan » Mon, 16 May 2011 9:07 am

perfectcut22 wrote:Kensan, dr chi is a very nice doc. Chin implantation is not even painful right?
I did inter oral incision, incision area no pain at all even after the drug worn off only the chin will be sore for a few days.

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Post by perfectcut22 » Tue, 17 May 2011 6:24 pm

Wat does bilateral dimples mean? Any kind soul care to enlighten me?

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Post by ValerieY » Mon, 30 May 2011 2:46 pm

Shelley211 wrote:hello, yeah course i can send me your email address and i will send you some pics.

I love my dimples there perfect! quite prominent and deep set which is exactly what i asked the surgeon for.

Ive had them for 3 months now and there still very much there. The surgeon done mine by tying a knot in the muscle so i guess maybe its possible for this knot to fall out? im not sure or maybe this is something that can happen if you create dimples using another method.

I didnt go to Dr Nara in the end mearly because i didnt get any reply from him and didnt want to go all the way there and be let down, yanhee hospital was amazing in terms of communication, assistance etc and they were in touch with me very often, they even arrange for a free pick up for me at the airport upon arriving in thailand to takeme to my hotel. My experience with them was excellent so i do definately reccomend them, also when i had to go back to get repeat prescription i was seen very quickly and they were great.

I did notice bangkok laser done them at an awsome price but this wasnt an option for me because at that time the red shirts were around that area. Also like i said yanhee was amazing with contact etc so i felt most comfortable with them and decided it was worth the extra money.

I will update on the dimples from time to time to let you all know if they remain permanent x
Hey Shelly, Care to share which doctor did you go to in Yanhee?
Did you fly back on the same day or stayed overnight in Thailand?

Am looking to do my dimples with Yanhee Hospital. Anyone wanna travel up to do it together?

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Post by babyangel11 » Tue, 31 May 2011 2:30 am

ValerieY wrote:
Shelley211 wrote:hello, yeah course i can send me your email address and i will send you some pics.

I love my dimples there perfect! quite prominent and deep set which is exactly what i asked the surgeon for.

Ive had them for 3 months now and there still very much there. The surgeon done mine by tying a knot in the muscle so i guess maybe its possible for this knot to fall out? im not sure or maybe this is something that can happen if you create dimples using another method.

I didnt go to Dr Nara in the end mearly because i didnt get any reply from him and didnt want to go all the way there and be let down, yanhee hospital was amazing in terms of communication, assistance etc and they were in touch with me very often, they even arrange for a free pick up for me at the airport upon arriving in thailand to takeme to my hotel. My experience with them was excellent so i do definately reccomend them, also when i had to go back to get repeat prescription i was seen very quickly and they were great.

I did notice bangkok laser done them at an awsome price but this wasnt an option for me because at that time the red shirts were around that area. Also like i said yanhee was amazing with contact etc so i felt most comfortable with them and decided it was worth the extra money.

I will update on the dimples from time to time to let you all know if they remain permanent x
Hey Shelly, Care to share which doctor did you go to in Yanhee?
Did you fly back on the same day or stayed overnight in Thailand?

Am looking to do my dimples with Yanhee Hospital. Anyone wanna travel up to do it together?

Hi ValerieY,

Im kind of interested to go up to Yanhee too after hearing Shelley211's success. Im probably going to do one dimple only as i already have one on one side of my cheek.

Do you know how long do we need to stay in Thailand etc? I would like to make it a very quick trip if possible as i need to work. Have you written to Yanhee already to ask for rates, etc?

You can email me at [email protected]

cheers. :D

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Post by ValerieY » Tue, 31 May 2011 2:26 pm

Hi babyangel11

Have emailed you!

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Post by ps_chong » Wed, 08 Feb 2012 1:13 pm

babyangel11 wrote:
ValerieY wrote:
Shelley211 wrote:hello, yeah course i can send me your email address and i will send you some pics.

I love my dimples there perfect! quite prominent and deep set which is exactly what i asked the surgeon for.

Ive had them for 3 months now and there still very much there. The surgeon done mine by tying a knot in the muscle so i guess maybe its possible for this knot to fall out? im not sure or maybe this is something that can happen if you create dimples using another method.

I didnt go to Dr Nara in the end mearly because i didnt get any reply from him and didnt want to go all the way there and be let down, yanhee hospital was amazing in terms of communication, assistance etc and they were in touch with me very often, they even arrange for a free pick up for me at the airport upon arriving in thailand to takeme to my hotel. My experience with them was excellent so i do definately reccomend them, also when i had to go back to get repeat prescription i was seen very quickly and they were great.

I did notice bangkok laser done them at an awsome price but this wasnt an option for me because at that time the red shirts were around that area. Also like i said yanhee was amazing with contact etc so i felt most comfortable with them and decided it was worth the extra money.

I will update on the dimples from time to time to let you all know if they remain permanent x
Hey Shelly, Care to share which doctor did you go to in Yanhee?
Did you fly back on the same day or stayed overnight in Thailand?

Am looking to do my dimples with Yanhee Hospital. Anyone wanna travel up to do it together?

Hi ValerieY,

Im kind of interested to go up to Yanhee too after hearing Shelley211's success. Im probably going to do one dimple only as i already have one on one side of my cheek.

Do you know how long do we need to stay in Thailand etc? I would like to make it a very quick trip if possible as i need to work. Have you written to Yanhee already to ask for rates, etc?

You can email me at [email protected]

cheers. :D

Hi babangel & Valerie Y,

I'm planning to have dimpleplasty this year. Am doing research now on which doc to go to, kinda confused as there are many good reviews on Dr Nara on another thread, some said Yanhee is good, and Dr Chi is not bad too.

I believe you guys have already done the surgery :)
Mind to share your experience with me?

You can email me at [email protected]

Thanks ;)

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Post by babyangel11 » Thu, 09 Feb 2012 2:37 am

Hi P S Chong

I havent done yet. Actually i already have a dimple on one side of my cheek. Im thinking of perhaps doing one dimple on the other side.

Im thinking of going to Yanhee this month but havent found anyone to go with yet. Are you keen to go together?

Cheers. :)

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Post by ps_chong » Thu, 09 Feb 2012 2:34 pm

Hi babyangel,

I'm still planning my leave. thinking of going on early May as i'm working full time. Don't really want my colleague to notice on my post surgery hole on the side of my cheek. Can only take leave on May.
Have you booked an appointment with them? Do you know approx. how much they charge for both side?

I do have one dimple on the right side of my face but its not very visible. Can only notice when i smile really hard :P

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Post by missyrainyday » Wed, 09 May 2012 11:52 am

ps_chong wrote:Hi babyangel,

I'm still planning my leave. thinking of going on early May as i'm working full time. Don't really want my colleague to notice on my post surgery hole on the side of my cheek. Can only take leave on May.
Have you booked an appointment with them? Do you know approx. how much they charge for both side?

I do have one dimple on the right side of my face but its not very visible. Can only notice when i smile really hard :P
Hi, ps_chong & babyangel,

have you gone to yanhee to do your dimples? if so, which doc did it you see and how is the result? how much did they charge u for the dimples?

I'm planning to go yanhee next weekend for botox and may dimples..

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Post by pinping » Sun, 27 Jan 2013 8:09 pm

Hi I want to do a dimple surgery (both side). May i know where is cheaper (korea or thailand) ?

And how much is the price ?

Any clinic to recommend ?

Thanks so much :D

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Re: dimple creation

Post by ngeapngeap » Mon, 28 Jan 2013 10:39 pm

ticklemepink wrote:
claire gan wrote:Hi Shelley, I am a new member. I am very keen on going for the dimple creation surgery. Heard that Dr. Nara charges are very low (only 4000 baht for dimple creation) and the results are not bad. Why didn't you go to him?

Hi Star, when are you planning to go hat yai? Perhaps we can arrange and go together as I do not want people around me to know but yet I don't have the courage to go alone.
hey babe, have u done urs? im planning to do mine in July. together with B.A
hi... how ur BA result?
im going to dr.nara for ba tis may...

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