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tioman trip (cum diving) in July

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tioman trip (cum diving) in July

Post by artery » Sun, 10 May 2009 7:47 pm

Hi, I just completed my Advanced open water last week and already planning for my next trip in July. I know its a bit early but I just can't take diving off my mind. Haha.

As I have no other friends diving, I'm hoping to find a dive buddy to go along and share costs. But I will also welcome those not going to dive, just wanna tag along. I will stay there for 5 days 4 nights, doing at least 10 dives. But those who can't stay for the whole 5 days is OK.

I will do all the necessary bookings for the ferry tickets and the accommodations. Here are the tentative plan.

Travel period: 6/7 - 10/7 or 13/7 - 17/7

Accommodation: Panuba Inn (RM 50/night for a double, fan room)

Just email me at [email protected] if u have further questions.
Born to Dive. Forced to Work

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