Are you coming in on a dependents pass? My view (and it is just a view with no legal ramifications) is that if you hold a DP then you do not need to apply for an Entrepass because you are already a legal resident of Singapore and can therefore start a business or company.
A business is a sole proprietorship or a partnership not exceeding 20 partners. You can read more about it here: ... siness.htm
Note that your 'local manager' can be a DP so you can have your own business as I see it.
In fact, you might not even need to register at all depending upon how you do things. You could qualify as an exempted business if you fall into one of these categories
1. Any business of a licensed hawker who sells or exposes for sale any drink, goods, wares or merchandise of any kind whatsoever, or who offers for hire his skill in handicraft or craftsmanship.
2. Any business of a craftsman who - (a) exercises his craft on his own domestic premises; (b) does not display the products of his craftsmanship for sale in public; and (c) does not employ any person other than members of his immediate family for the purpose of his business.
3. Any business of - (a) a taxi driver; (b) a trishaw rider; (c) a sampan man plying his sampan for hire; or (d) a farmer, a fish pond keeper or a prawn pond keeper who
(i) does not employ any person other than members of his immediate family; (ii) does not own the land on which his farm or pond stands; and (iii) does not charge members of the public any fee for admission.
So, you'd probably want to contact ACRA to see where your photo business would fit... and you would be better off having a registered business when it comes to banks and other business to business relationships.
In fact, you be even better off if you had a private limited, although this might be overkill for what you want to do. You do have protection of your personal assets with a pte ltd whereas you do not in a business.
As you can again see from the link below, a company requires only one director and that director can be a DP. ... ompany.htm
Having said all that, you might consider going the Entrepass route if you wanted to insure that you could stay in Singapore even if your spouse lost his EP. Right now, you would have to leave along with him.