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by ydnerendy » Sun, 03 May 2009 12:43 pm
I would like to ask about EP cancelation.
Can i cancel my EP directly to the MOM without cancelation letter from the previous company to get new Ep upon approval letter from the new company.
Thanks for answering.
Strong Eagle
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by Strong Eagle » Sun, 03 May 2009 2:19 pm
By law, within 7 days of cessation of employment, you, the EP holder must go down to MOM and have the pass cancelled. Besides your travel documents and your EP card, you must bring a letter from your employer stating your last day of employment. If your employer will not give you a letter you should provide a written statement to that effect. I am sure MOM will want to have a chat with your former employer to find you why they have not provided the letter.
PS: You don't get an approval letter from your new company. Your company (and you) gets an approval letter from MOM.
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by ydnerendy » Sun, 03 May 2009 8:06 pm
thanks for the answer.
i want to tell a bit about my case.
i work in my current company.
i received the approval letter from MOM.
after received then my company said to me not to take the EP from MOM 1st because they want to sign some contract with me 1st.
After 2 months working there until now they have not sign any contract or agreement yet.
Then my visit pass almost expire, so i took the EP card from MOM without my company notice because i don't want to take the risk to work without any pass.
Until now my company does not know that i have the EP but they keep employe me.
i also feel my company trying to "play" me. Now i starting to find another job.
What i suppose to do if i want to cancel the EP if i got another job.
Do i need a letter?
If they know that i have EP when i ask for cancelation letter,could they give me troubles with MOM?
because i think it is my right to have the pass if they hire me.
thanks again if can answers,
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by ydnerendy » Mon, 04 May 2009 10:51 am
Strong Eagle
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by Strong Eagle » Mon, 04 May 2009 11:56 am
Frankly, the only people who will get in trouble will be the company. If they wanted you to work but did not want you to get the EP, then they are in violation of the law because you cannot employ someone without a work permit.
There are a number of unanswered questions. What class of EP? P1? P2? Q? Are you actually making sufficient salary to justify an EP (at least $2,500 or whatever class your EP is)?
If you are looking for another job first be sure that you get an approval in principle letter from the new company, otherwise you might be forced to leave the country if you don't get a new EP.
Once you know you can move, then I'd do just like I said... quit, ask your employer for the letter indicating last date, and if they won't give it to you, tell MOM about it.
I don't see where you have done anything wrong.
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by NeSSa81 » Mon, 04 May 2009 3:36 pm
This is what i got from MOM website : -
Change of Employer
Employment Pass holders must apply for a new pass whenever they change employers. There is no need to cancel the existing pass before doing so. Each application made will be considered based on the merits of the case.
They will only need to cancel the previous pass upon termination of employment with the previous employer.
Cessation or Termination of Employment
An Employment Pass holder has seven days from the date of cessation or termination of employment to cancel the Employment Pass at our counters, together with the following documents:
A letter from the employer stating the Employment Pass holder's last day of service;
The Employment Pass and related pass holders' travel document/passport and Disembarkation/Embarkation Card (Green Card); and
Completed Immigration White Card (IMM27).
A 30-day short term visit pass will be issued upon cancellation.
When the main pass is cancelled, all other passes related to the Employment Pass will be deemed as cancelled. The Dependant's Pass and/or Long Term Visit Pass should be produced for cancellation along with the Employment Pass at the Work Pass Division. Failure to do so will result in the Dependant's Pass and/or Long Term Visit Pass holder becoming an overstayer.
The Employment Pass, and related pass holders should not remain in Singapore after the date the employment was terminated unless he is otherwise entitled to remain in Singapore with a valid pass.
Hope that the above information helps you.
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