Richie, please check your pm´s ,happy to help. Thanks qrm,good to hear from you. Just to maybe make a enlightening experience out of this, usually the tendency is, in a case like this, is to place the burden of the problem on the kid, and declare yourself incompetent since you are dealing with, supossedly, educators. But truth be told, in this case when you ask the principal to recommend where to take the kid, and he says he doesn´t know, this is cause for investigation. In this case we are dealing with an incompetent principal and an even more incompetent teacher. I do not think that a boy that deserves to be expelled from one IB school, can spend a full year with no problems in a similar one. Of course I am not implying that my son is the epitome of good behavior, he can be quite a handful, but within normal parameters, maybe exacerbated by change, but then again thats what
International Schools are all about, receiving kids that are victims of their parents nomadic jobs.
Now brace yourself for the next big debate, new private schools regulations, and reimbursement of the deposits. This is going to be interesting, but that will be another thread.
Regards and not to worry about me now, I am a happy man now!