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Health insurance for 40-something couple?

Discuss the different insurance options from car to health insurance.
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Health insurance for 40-something couple?

Post by joerouse » Tue, 28 Apr 2009 11:55 pm

We're a 40-something couple with no kids and no expat health package. We're looking for a no-nonsense comprehensive health insurance provider in Singapore. Coverage for the SE Asia region would be a bonus, as would dental. Thanks!

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Re: Health insurance for 40-something couple?

Post by sina6379 » Mon, 04 May 2009 3:55 pm

hi joerouse
I'm a singaporean, if you are looking for some health package in singapore, I would like you to approach Great Eastern Insurance Company. They provide a very good service with high standard. NEVER NEVER GO TO ACE INSURANCE COMPANY. I have a very bad experience with them.
If you do need to introduce, let me know.

Best regard

joerouse wrote:We're a 40-something couple with no kids and no expat health package. We're looking for a no-nonsense comprehensive health insurance provider in Singapore. Coverage for the SE Asia region would be a bonus, as would dental. Thanks!

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Re: Health insurance for 40-something couple?

Post by Saint » Mon, 04 May 2009 4:58 pm

sina6379 wrote:hi joerouse
I'm a singaporean, if you are looking for some health package in singapore, I would like you to approach Great Eastern Insurance Company. They provide a very good service with high standard. NEVER NEVER GO TO ACE INSURANCE COMPANY. I have a very bad experience with them.
If you do need to introduce, let me know.

Best regard

joerouse wrote:We're a 40-something couple with no kids and no expat health package. We're looking for a no-nonsense comprehensive health insurance provider in Singapore. Coverage for the SE Asia region would be a bonus, as would dental. Thanks!
ACE Insurance are the best I've ever used here, never had a problem with their very professional service :cool:

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