I am looking to get cheek implants for the upper cheekbone area...want the chiselled look. I thought of getting dermal fillers first, but after consultation was told that its about $3k and lasts 15months. So I think I may as well get implants for the long run.
Need some advice/direction...I did my rhino at Dr Nara. Has anyone done cheek implants with him? Was it satisfactory? I am considering him or Tokai clinic...but want to be sure that Dr Nara knows what I mean about the high cheekbone look. I dont wanna end up with a wider face instead. I am a girl btw.
Another thing I'm concerned about is..and this may sound strange...is having too much silicone in me. Or is a nose implant and cheek implant totally not much silicone?
Would appreciate any help..advice..pointers...
Thanks in advance.