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Need information on ear piercings for kids

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Post by Mondia » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 9:44 am

road.not.taken wrote:

Four year olds need parents, not facilitators. Yes, a judgement on my part! The poster can either ignore it, or pause to think about it. She's the adult.
You still don't get it, do you? A piece of advice for you - stop being so judgmental and you'll be a happier person. You can ignore it or pause to think about it.

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Post by boffenl » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 9:49 am

An SG colleague mentioned calling up KK Children's Hospital and asking if they have any Dr's or Housemen (or women) who might do piercings. If not, they might be able to recommend a good place to have it done.

Good luck, and do let us know what you find out. I'd also be interested in the cost too!

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Post by Mondia » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 9:55 am

boffenl wrote:An SG colleague mentioned calling up KK Children's Hospital and asking if they have any Dr's or Housemen (or women) who might do piercings. If not, they might be able to recommend a good place to have it done.

Good luck, and do let us know what you find out. I'd also be interested in the cost too!
I called my daughter's pediatrician who recommended an ENT specialist in order to ensure that its done properly. I'll also call KK hospital and compare the charges. Gosh, its hard to believe such a common practice is such an issue here.

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Post by boffenl » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 9:57 am

Great--I wonder if the ENT will actually do it or just review the work once it's done? I have a great ENT at NUH but don't know if they do piercings--never asked honestly.

Do let us know what you find out. :)

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Post by road.not.taken » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 10:04 am

boffenl wrote:Man, you people are all CRAZY! My seven year old mentioned the other day she'd like to get her ears pierced too--quite acceptable age in the US so knock it off people.
Guess that depends on where you live, and what your priorities are. :roll: Personally I think it's crazy to let a 4 year old decide when it's a good time to have their ears pierced. They can have no cognitive awareness of the implications, or the pain involved, the potential stigma (see QRM's remarks) or the ability to maintain the piercings. But hey! Let's all pretend none of that matters and swallow the bile of disapproval just long enough to spit out a disingenuous 'good luck.' After all, not appearing to be judgemental should be our primary goal... :roll:

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Post by boffenl » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 10:10 am

Wow--I take back my crazy comment and add a superlative--REALLY SUPER f*&^ing crazy! You have no idea what family background we come from to allow our children to have their ears pierced, so mind your own business. If people can ask about suggestion to buy teak furniture and you don't jump down their throat about buying endangered wood, PLEASE don't slap your worldview across our face.

I'm out--this threat has become really disturbing.

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Post by road.not.taken » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 10:20 am

boffenl wrote:I'm out--this threat has become really disturbing.

When people post a question on a forum, I think they open themselves up to a lot of opinions. Some favorable, some not. She asked for feedback, I gave it. Case closed!

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Post by gillypadi » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 10:41 am

I had my ears pierced at the age of 6 only because I wanted it. And I had it pierced at a jeweller with real O:) gold studs, mind you. My mum did warn me of the complications but I really wanted to wear all those wonderful earrings I saw in the shops.

over the years, out of the 6 more holes, one was infected and I had to let it close. By then, I was old enough to bear the pain and the crusty bits that came with the infection.

I have never heard of my friends having their kid's ears pierced by an ENT specialist nor by a GP.

I see lots of indian babies with pierced ears out and about, why don't you ask the parents nicely?

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 3:18 pm

As I said, most piercings are done by tat shops or locals using traditional means (as in the Indian thorn method - my daughter had her first one done that way - I think she was 3 or 4 max - I didn't approve but her mother is an Indian and it was done while I was offshore on a drilling rig :x ). This is, after all, Asia and there are differences between the west and Asia. For that matter, there are jewelery shops here that will do the piercings as well for a couple of bucks if you buy the gold studs from them.

We give you advice, based on where you are, not where you are from. Deal with it. Al of us have different feelings about things. That's the beauty of a forum. You take what you want and you leave the rest. Simple. Why let other people ideas change your perceptions? Just ignore them. Usually, when people bite back it's because something usually hit too close to the quick for either you or them.


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Post by Mondia » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 5:03 pm

sundaymorningstaple wrote:As I said, most piercings are done by tat shops or locals using traditional means (as in the Indian thorn method - my daughter had her first one done that way - I think she was 3 or 4 max - I didn't approve but her mother is an Indian and it was done while I was offshore on a drilling rig :x ). This is, after all, Asia and there are differences between the west and Asia. For that matter, there are jewelery shops here that will do the piercings as well for a couple of bucks if you buy the gold studs from them.

We give you advice, based on where you are, not where you are from. Deal with it. Al of us have different feelings about things. That's the beauty of a forum. You take what you want and you leave the rest. Simple. Why let other people ideas change your perceptions? Just ignore them. Usually, when people bite back it's because something usually hit too close to the quick for either you or them.

I appreciate what you've said even though I don't agree with you. I think the real issue here is not whether earrings are appropriate for kids or not (and I think all of us can argue both sides, not that hard) but the judgmental attitude. What was offered was not suggestion or advise (and advise??? you sound like a godman) but an attitude that suggested that I was going to do something awful to my child. You may not think its appropriate, thats fine, just don't judge me by your (obviously western and didactic) standards. The world has changed quite a bit, believe me. Your ideas seem quite outdated.

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Post by road.not.taken » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 5:33 pm

Mondia wrote: The world has changed quite a bit, believe me. Your ideas seem quite outdated.
If I were you SMS, I would take that as a huge compliment.

Mondia, wouldn't you like to know that some people would react negatively to it? Of course you can just toss it off and say so what -- but isn't it better to know, than not know? To get a range of opinions? What's the harm? On an anonymous forum at least people speak their minds more freely, you'll get a more honest opinion. I'd hate to feel regret and wish 'if only I had known'... You may not like that people are judgmental, but they are, that's human nature. As the mother of a 4 year old your chief responsibility is to make judgements on her behalf.

Personally I think she's too young, and that is just my take on it. My kids had lots of great ideas at 4. I caught them climbing out on the 2nd story roof led by their 4 year old sister, my son used the plastic computer cord ties to make 'bracelets' for his little sister and nearly caused permanent damage by cutting off her circulation, every four year old cuts their own hair. All seemingly good ideas at the time.

We're giving you a broad spectrum of perspectives, what you do with them is up to you :wink:

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Post by sierra2469alpha » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 5:50 pm

Mondia wrote:...What was offered was not suggestion or advise (and advise??? you sound like a godman) but an attitude that suggested that I was going to do something awful to my child. You may not think its appropriate, thats fine, just don't judge me by your (obviously western and didactic) standards. The world has changed quite a bit, believe me. Your ideas seem quite outdated.

That being said I will say that SMS did offer some form of advice as to where you might get the procedure done in their previous post which was on topic that was useful to you, yes?

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 6:48 pm

In the last couple of days 2 women died and more than a hundred other had to be treated due to poor sanitation/food preparation/storage or otherwise unhygenic food handling by a firm that had been inspected by NEA and deemed okay.

What does this have to do with the topic? Not a whole lot, except for the fact that infections also have a habit of hitting piercings here in Asia with great regularity. Coincidence? Maybe. But again, the evidence points to either humidity, heat or hygiene. With the rate of infections on piercings here, I'd be hesitant against anybody piercing somebody else without their express wishes and possibly subjecting them to the possibility of an infection for something they didn't ask for. Culturally I know it's done. Agreeing with it is something else.

If somebody came on here wanting to know how to buy a weapon, would you just give them the name of a slime ball who would provide them with one without expressing you feelings? Nah, I didn't think so. Is this extreme? Maybe, but infections can turn septic and can even cause death. Somebody could be just as dead whether by bullet or needle.

If you want a better answer, I suggest that you post the question in the Beauty Thread at the top of the index page. All kinds of people up there who think cutting, poking, butchering of their bodies with plastic surgery is good. I am sure they can give you names & numbers.

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Post by QRM » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 7:47 pm

Mondia wrote:
...but an attitude that suggested that I was going to do something awful to my child...
I think you hit the nail on the head, its not about infections, you seem sensible enough and more than willing to take precautions so thats a very low risk.

Its not about stereotypical perception of trashiness, as this varies from culture to culture.

Call me old fashion but to me, and its my opinion, punching a hole in a toddlers flesh not once, but twice IS awful, I cringe when my daughter has to have a medical jab and to see her cry out in pain is heart breaking, all this for the sake of vanity.

Don't get me wrong when shes older she can be covered head to toe in tattoos, female Prince Alberts etc. that's her call.

Bit extreme but used to make a point, all the folks that carry out female circumcision must be equally bemused at all the fuss over it, saying they are upset that other people are implying they are doing something awful to their child.

My three year old asked for a tattoo the other day, no matter how much she says she is ready for body modification, I will let her only have a stick on one until she can really think for herself.

There is another interesting argument, which to me is a bit far fetched but some question why do you need adornments on a small child, which only makes her more attactive to the opposite sex?

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Post by road.not.taken » Fri, 10 Apr 2009 7:59 am

QRM wrote: its not about infections, you seem sensible enough and more than willing to take precautions so thats a very low risk
But a much higher risk than in other environments. What SMS and I said about infection is real. My son was been nearly hospitalized for septicemia a few times over the years. The speed at which this infection takes over is staggering and scary. One time, the infection point was a tiny abrasion on his knee he got a week before playing soccer.

You can have the actual piercing procedure done in a sterile OR, but the risk of infection doesn't stop there.
There is another interesting argument, which to me is a bit far fetched but some question why do you need adornments on a small child, which only makes her more attactive to the opposite sex?

Far-fetched maybe, but there have been lots of books written about the early sexualization of our daughters, and the implications it has on their self-esteem and self-worth. Kids grow up so damn fast these days, which brings me back to my original point -- why rush it?

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