FIRST: Congratulations!!! - its a wonderful message
Second: i am 26 and my Dr. told me about it because i was asking. It is common for older women but it doesnt mean u have to do it!!! If u do it it doesnt mean that everything will be okay its a chance to see if something is wrong but it can also be something wrong with ure baby if u dont see anything at the amniocentesis. There is a risk when u do the amniocentesis to lose ure baby.
The question is: When something seems to be wrong will u get ure baby or not?
With very good check ups and nuchal fold scan it should be the "same". U can check the health of the baby with the nuchal fold scan and weight/length checkup etc.
I have a friend (age: 23) who did the amniocentesis because at the ultrascan it seemed that something is wrong but after the amniocentesis it seemed okay. She has a healthy baby now.
i am not a doctor maybe u ask a second and third opinion from gynecologists.
I have friends who are in ure age and they giving birth to healthy babys without amniocentesis.
How about ure family history? what about youre bloodtest? is it okay?
All things are important.
There are a lot of sides in the internet maybe u read about and ask some dr? and there are videos too.
I think u should hear to yourself!! u know what u really want and do how ure feeling is
it will be the right desicion.
congratulation again
its the best experience.