I read the story about the young woman that had an expat liquidated by a professional killer.
I was wondering just what pushes people over the edge, to actually do it, knowing full well, that there isn't much chance of getting away with it, if you are closely connected.
It's the pyschological point of view that i am trying to understand, would she be mentally tormented by the guy, refusing to pay the loan back? We all would, although how many would go ahead with getting a hitman.
I have certainly tried to put myself in her shoes, and a few million Thailand Bht is not to be taken so lightly, when a person refuses to pay, but surely any chance of the money being repaid, was gone, when the trigger was pulled.
There are many ways to solve problems, and I'm afraid what she did wasn't a good way at all. Many lives are now in ruins for what, revenge, greed, materialsim, what is it, that makes people snap?
I believe these kind of people are influenced by TV, violent games and possibly negative social contacts, the peer group living lives like Walter Mitty. Very sad indeed, and the victim, who wouldn't pay the loan back, because she had loaned the money without any contract.
I wonder what i would have done, I'm very sure, that i would never have had him liquidated by a hitman. Any other opinions on the matter?