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Recommend me some adventure travel insurance!

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Recommend me some adventure travel insurance!

Post by bigrich » Tue, 10 Mar 2009 4:37 pm

I'm going on a month long mountain bike trip to Nepal and Tibet soon, and I'm having trouble finding good insurance that will cover the trip, and my bike, which I'm taking along.

I already have travel cover from HSBC, which is an annual multi-trip policy, however the coverage is far lower than equivalent UK policies, and won't cover the bike. The other large insurers seem to be the same.

Can anyone recommend me a specialist adventure sports insurer that they've used before? Thanks.

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Post by sierra2469alpha » Tue, 10 Mar 2009 5:26 pm

bigrich - lots of travel insurance policies won't cover certain items. One option is to cover it under a personal effects policy, often tied to your home contents policy. Just make sure it's international coverage. We do that for things like enagagement ring, cameras, etc.

Health/medical evac - make sure you check your credit card companies - if you book your airfare on Citi Platinum, for example, you get free travel insurance. Alternatively, try (not sure if they cover non-citizens of Australia). THAT'S NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT, MODS!!!!

Really hope you enjoy Tibet and Nepal....nice to hear someone refer to Tibet :) It is a life changing people and place. Would be back in Tibet in a flash.

Mr. P

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Post by bigrich » Tue, 10 Mar 2009 10:53 pm

Thanks for the suggestions. Travelinsurancedirect is for Aussies only, so no good for me. My existing policy supposedly covers evacuation, but it has no explicit coverage for mountain biking, although it's not an activity excluded. Ulgh, I'll call them for some clarification. The bike I'll have to insure separately.

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Post by sierra2469alpha » Tue, 10 Mar 2009 11:09 pm

bigrich - just make sure your medical stuff is covered - see my previous about putting your airfare on your credit card - check with your card issuer - often you get normal travel insurance. Trust me, if you get stuck in Tibet, you don't want to even visit local hospitals unless you do a lot of volunteer work there :)

If you crash your bike, that'll be the least of your worries in them thar parts!

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Post by titan3227 » Fri, 24 Jul 2009 11:36 am

depends which country you visiting and the duration

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