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bringing a cat from the U.S through HK to Singapore

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bringing a cat from the U.S through HK to Singapore

Post by tomcat1 » Wed, 04 Mar 2009 10:09 pm

1.reserve a space at Sembawang facility not Jurong(even though most sites say this even though its been closed for years-which is the first frustrating part of this)
2.Get the pet Microchipped, Rabies vaccinated(even though AVA will just do it again for a fee), shots, etc. costs: about $200.00 to your airlines for awhile trying to figure out how your pet is getting there:baggage,cargo,etc. (give this about 4 hrs-between cargo people and passenger side) this will cost me about $800.00
4.You will need an import PERMIT even if your just transiting through Hong Kong to get to SIng. By the way this takes about 14 days or you will have to have the airlines expedite which costs 3x more. $150.00
5.You will also need an import permit for Singapore-but the health cert. cant be stamped before 7 days of departure-this costs $50.00
6.Now you need to get the health cert. stamped for the Hong Kong permit. $24 and an appointment for the USDA stamp is needed
7.fax in the hong kong permit app., stamped health cert, and other docs. THEN you can reserve a space on the plane after they accept. BUT they still need to have the permit accepted which will take about 10 days expedited.
8. The owner/agent must notify Changi Animal and Plant Quarantine (CAPQ) of the confirmed flight details, owner's details and import permit number at least five (5) working days before arrival.
9. AFter getting allpaperwork. get a kennel if you dont have 1. this costs about 60-100.00 for a good one.
dont use litter, lay towels in it. also stock it with food,water. Im not sure of this detail yet.
10. When you bring the pet to the cargo station-this process is supposed to take an hr. and you pay CASH or money order.
11. I guess this is it till Singapore-makes me worried.
12. if you need to get to the cargo frieght, you need to get a visitors pass:leave your passport at guard, somehow get there, i assume by taxi-get the pet then go to CAPQ. go to the Vet to check paperwork,etc then you have to go to pay any GST. Im also assuming you have to pay for the vet inspection.
13. then you can go back and get your passport. Not sure where all my baggage will be.
14. At this point I have no idea what to do, no directions. SO i assume you pay a shit load more for more paperwork,etc.
15. your pet then somehow goes to the sembawang quarantine, Im not sure who does this but it costs 74 sing dollars.
16. then for 16.80 a day(about 643 sing dollars for 30) you can pay up to 21 days after getting there- if you have any money left.
O and they also get another rabbies shot probably for another 70 bucks.
17.For the next 30 days your pet wonders what the hell they did wrong.
18.then if you didnt have the health cert stamped for parasites 7 days prior to leaving, you pay another 20 bucks or so for them to do it.

I have spent more time and money on this then planning my whole trip and doing work for the company that hired me. I guess I couldve hired a pet moving company but that costs around 2600.00(even though I did most of the paperwork,etc) and thats not even including the permit fees, quarantine fees,etc.

EDIT: Hong Kong just became too much of a pain the ass. I am now deciding to just ship the cat as cargo on a different airline, I just need to find which airline. anyone know what is a good one?

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