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Returning to UK - Primary Schools

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Returning to UK - Primary Schools

Post by wheelchr » Wed, 04 Mar 2009 3:24 pm

I am considering returning to the UK in a few months. One of the reasons behind this decision is that I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter who will need to start going to school in Sep 2010. From what I have read, you need to be in the catchment area of the school by Sep-ish 2009 to stand any chance of getting in (for Hertfordshire at least, anyway). Question is: What happens if I am not there at this time? Do I have to just take any place available (which is likely to be at a not particularly good school since the best ones are all over subscribed). I think this is the case but it seems hard to believe that there isn't a better way of doing this - the same logic would mean that even when back in the UK I can never move out of the area without condemning my child to a bad education.
Any advice gratefully received....

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