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Post by Bocat32 » Mon, 16 Feb 2009 1:43 pm

I know this is probably going to make me sound completely barking (especially to anyone who doesn't have kids!!) - but does anyone know where I can buy children's toothpaste in Singapore that isn't fruit flavoured?

I used to use Macleans back home (which I think is now being sold under Aquafresh). I managed to pick up some (which is mint flavoured) while in Oz over Christmas but its now finished and my 16 month old daughter refuses point blank to put the fruity stuff in her mouth (can't say I blame her - it tastes and smells disgusting!)

I've tried giving her a small amount of my toothpaste but as I use sensitive toothpaste (which also doesn't taste too great!) she won't use that either.

Any suggestions folks?


Lily Pad
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Post by Lily Pad » Mon, 16 Feb 2009 2:40 pm

I couldn't find an alternate either. In the end we used tiny amounts of regular mint toothpaste and asked family to include some when they next sent a package for the kids.

The stuff is now a permanent feature on my shopping list for when we go back to Australia.

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Post by Bocat32 » Mon, 16 Feb 2009 3:22 pm

Thanks Lily Pad - I was beginning to think I was going mad - surely (I thought) there must be mint flavoured children's toothpaste somewhere in Singapore!

Hopefully someone from back home (Scotland) or my brother and his family in Australia will visit soon and I can ask for a few tubes to be packed in their cases!


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Post by Isambard » Mon, 16 Feb 2009 4:31 pm

I had the same experience and friends of mine posted over a few tubes for me.

Unfortunately, these Aquafresh Milk Teeth tubes have now had to be binned as apparently there is a recall of a particular batch (BN388G) which was slightly mis-formulated in the UK. The batch number can be found on the crimp lines at the bottom of the tubes. Apparently, the mis-formulated batch may cause an allergic reaction in some children so they're advising caution.

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Post by Bocat32 » Tue, 17 Feb 2009 10:10 am

Oh no! That's so annoying when people had gone to the bother of posting it to you!!

My wee girl has started using the fruity stuff this morning but I really object to giving them fruit flavoured toothpaste!

Anyway, looks like I'll just have to wait for my next visitor or a wee parcel from home...

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Post by mules » Tue, 24 Feb 2009 8:27 pm

ha! i thought i was the only one with this issue, as i got blank looks every time i asked shops about toothpaste for kids which wasn't [chemically] "fruit flavoured"!

in the end i was desperate and paid $20 for a baby's first toothpaste from a health food store for my 3 year old, as I couldn't bear to use the other stuff available here.

having just returned from australia, i brought back 20 tubes of macleans and colgate for kids with me! plus it is much cheaper back home than regular toothpaste here for kids. i would ask friends/family in aust to post a few tubes for you.

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