I'm from Australia (Victoria) and will complete my bachelor of Arts (degree with honours)/bachelor of education (primary teaching) at the end of this year. My partner (we are getting married in November) has a commerce degree (with honours) and a Graduate Diploma in Education (secondary teaching - mathematics and business studies). My partner has been teaching full time at Melbourne University full time for 2 years. I am graduating at the end of this year so have no full time teaching experience.
We are interested in teaching at an International School in Singapore and I was wondering if anyone can answer some of my questions:
- The International Schools I have looked at all specify that they want teachers with at least 2 years experience, can I get a job teaching in an international school as a graduate teacher?
- Does my partner's teaching at university count as teaching experience?
- How possible is it for us to both be employed by the same school, particularily given that my partner is a secondary teacher and I am primary?
- Does anyone know anything about the Australian International School, like pay, conditions, how hard it is to get a job there?
Thank you very much in advance.