...There's full gear american football games in Singapore. Touch/ flag football could be fun though I've never tried them before. But I'll like to see the clashing of bodies and armors, the excitements of different tactics in passing and running games.
Sorry, haven't introduced myself yet.
I'm Adam and yes, doubt it not, I'm born and raised in Singapore and I just joined this forum today.
My sister and I caught on the football craze about a year or so ago being influenced by a certain manga/anime, some of you might know which I'm talking about.
It seems that this is the only forum that talks about football and people here seemed to have held mini games amongs them. I heard games were also held at Bishan Park from my friend, Marvin who plays in them, never really got a chance to visit the games though.
Up till now, I'm only able to play some passing games with my friends in the army. But ever since I'm out, I've barely touched the ball.
Talking about the ball, I've searched high and low and I finally come across it in a sports shop in Peninsula shopping centre, on the top floor (information for those who're looking for one). And now, I'm looking for everything else, the helmet, shoulder pads etc... So if any of you out there know where I can get them, perferably locally and cheap, please inform me. Thanks ahead.
If I were ever rich and own a company, I'll start a small league here myself (that's my dream). Well, provided there's players of course.
Well that's all. Sorry for the long, naggy post.