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Vietnamese student with JCs and International schools

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Vietnamese student with JCs and International schools

Post by tahongngan » Thu, 05 Feb 2009 11:14 pm

Hello all,
I knew that there are many threads about this topicand searched the forum many times. However, I really can not find any information which is suitable for my case now. I am Vietnamese student. I am 16 years old and in grade 10.My school is "Vietnamese high school for the gifted". I would like to study in Singapore next year 2010. Now, I am finding some JCs or International School which offer A-level or IB. I will take J-PACT in October and appy to JCs. I just want to try to be a student in local school. However, I know that it is very difficult. If I can not go to JC , I will choose international school. In my country there are some singapore international school wanting to admit Vietnamese students. I do not know about their quality such as academic and boarding. They are ACS international , Hwa Chong International, Saint Melodist school. As I searched on google, there are may people saying that UWCSE , SJI. OFS and SAS are good schools too. I am really confused. Could you please to give me advices about those schools ? What is the good school in academic? What is school has suitable tuition fee?
Moreover, Could you please to give me experience on taking J-PACT or junior college admission? Thanks a lot. I hope that I can get to JC
Thanks a lot

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Post by madura » Sat, 07 Feb 2009 11:48 am

I know a couple of graduates from the Vietnamese High School for the Gifted at NTU and if you are of the same academic caliber as them, I don't think you will have any difficulty entering the local JCs.

The international sections of ACS, Hwa Chong and SJI are quite good, but be prepared to pay more. As for the other International Schools, try doing a search on this forum, I think a lot has been said about them.

All the best :)

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Post by tahongngan » Mon, 09 Feb 2009 6:05 pm

Thanks for your kindly reply. I am not sure that I can pass JCs' admission tests. As my English is not really good , I am very worried about that. About math tests , I think I can do well. Could you please to give me more information or tips for Jcs' admission tests? Are there very hard for international students?
In addition, there are 2 schools admiting Vietnamese students in Vietnam : Jurong JC and SFMS (St. Francis Methodist School). I know that they are not good schools. However, what is the better one ? ( JJC 's tuition fee is cheaper than SFMS)
Thanks a lot

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Post by lynn13 » Mon, 09 Feb 2009 9:59 pm

You may want to try SJI International. Their principal and many teachers were from UWCSEA and their fees is cheaper than UWCSEA.

I've visited both ACS International and SJI International, and I am more impressed with SJI International. I heard many good things about SJI International, some about ACS International but none on Hwa Chong International. All these schools starts their academic year in Jan and ends in December just like local schools.

As for JC, if your English is not strong, you may have problems with GP (General Paper). This subject is considered tough even for local students with quite strong English foundation.

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Post by jon0lim » Mon, 09 Feb 2009 10:19 pm

How about Anglo Chinese School (Independent). It may not be an International School but it fares a lot better than International Schools in terms of grades and has a large Vietnamese student population.

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Post by tahongngan » Tue, 10 Feb 2009 5:19 pm

Hi all.
Thanks for all kindly replies. As I knew that ACS ( independent) is a school for boys, is it right? If I want to be a student of local Junior college , I have to pass their admission tests or J-PACT.Moreover, could you please to give me some websites which provide free GP tests or sample questions?
Thanks a lot

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International schools

Post by kaurikid » Tue, 10 Feb 2009 6:43 pm

A Star provides scholarships for gifted students from around se asia

these students are posted to both ACS intl and SJI international

Jurong JC has a strong programme as well

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Post by lynn13 » Wed, 11 Feb 2009 8:27 am

ACS Independent accepts girls from year 5 to do IB program.

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Post by tahongngan » Sun, 15 Feb 2009 9:55 pm

Thanks for all replies. I have some questions:
1/I do not know how to contact with ACS (independent) . I tried to contact with them but they do not reply. Could you please to help me?
2/ I consider Jurong Junior College (JJC) , but I do not know much about them. Could you please to give me your opinion?
3/ I need some online website about GP and math. Please help me
Thanks a lot

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