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what is the difference?

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what is the difference?

Post by Shona » Tue, 27 Jan 2009 10:38 pm


Can anyone give me a definitive answer on the following questions? Is there a difference between a maid and a nanny in Singapore? I would say that they are completely different, but it seems from all I have managed to read that does not seem to be a distinction made there.

I am transferring to Singapore shortly, and would like to bring my nanny with me. She is 60 years old, from the Philippines. From what I can see on the MOM website, she is too old. Is that correct, or does that apply to "maids", and would an established "nanny" fall into a different category?

If I really cannot bring her, can I hire someone who comes on a daily basis, like 8 - 6? Would that mean they would have to be local? No problem if thats the case, I am just wondering if some of the adverts I have seen in "nanny" websites are legit. I mean, would it be legal for the wife/girlfriend of someone on a work permit to work for me legally as a nanny? I have absolutely no desire to get in trouble by inadvertantly employing someone in a manner which doesnt comply with law.

Any info gratefully received

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Post by cbavasi » Wed, 28 Jan 2009 1:58 pm

Although your nanny is past the age limitation you can still apply and attach an additional letter stating the reason you'd like to bring her over. You may want to apply as an FDW (foreign domestic worker) and state in your letter that she would be solely looking after the children (if that is the case). Generally speaking a nanny would only look after the kids while the maid/helper could do any number of things from cleaning house, shopping, cooking to looking after children.
When we brought over our helper from Indonesia she had very limited english and there was no way she'd be able to pass the English test required for first time workers in Singapore. I was told by the MOM to state in the letter how long she'd been with us, the importance of keeping the consistency of the household with the carer... etc. They also said to provide tax information to prove how long she'd been with us - but you are not required to pay taxes for your helper in Indonesia so we didn't have that and stated so in the letter.
You can always call the MOM directly and try and get someone on the phone - or contact a maid agency here in Singapore and ask them if it is possible to bring over your nanny as a FDW if she is over the age limit.

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Post by Shona » Wed, 28 Jan 2009 4:53 pm

Thank you, thank you. That gives me a place to start. I have actually contacted an agency which was recommended to me, but they havent replied.

I have also e-mailed MOM, but again no reply. I shall persevere!

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Post by cbavasi » Wed, 28 Jan 2009 10:28 pm

You can try this agency - Apac - Francis Chen 6468-0200 - they were super helpful answering questions for me on the phone before we moved. I actually ended up doing all the paperwork myself in the end - but they were recommended by a friend and definitely helped.

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