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UK citizen Common law marriage

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UK citizen Common law marriage

Post by chromesmic » Fri, 23 Jan 2009 4:10 pm

Hi Guys,

Ive been searching for the answer on the site specifically for a UK citizen but can't seem to find it.

I will be getting an employment pass as a company in Singapore is sponsoring me but my girlfriend we are going to try for a long-term visit pass.

I have emailed the Uk embassy in London and am still waiting to hear back. I have been told that my company must apply for it on her behalf and that we need a letter form the UK embassy.

Does anyone know what the requirements/evidence the UK embassy will want to see?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Post by Plavt » Fri, 23 Jan 2009 4:27 pm

I think this is what you need to know;

Applying for Long Term Social Visit Pass
The Singapore version of a dependent visa is a "Long-Term Social Visit Pass" that
are typically provided to tourists, families and friends. These visas allow visitors to
stay for durations ranging from a few days to a few months. Permanent Residents
and P Employment Pass holders may apply for Long-Term Social Visit Passes
(LTSVP) for their
• Parents
• Parents-in-law
• Step children
• Spouse (common-law)
• Handicapped children
• Daughters (unmarried) aged above 21
More information about Long-Term Social Visit Pass processes is available at the
Singapore Ministry of Manpower website. Once faculty have completed the relevant
forms they may ask SMU to "endorse" the application. They may submit their
applications for endorsement to Office of Faculty Administration.
The Long-Term Social Visit Pass can be obtained only when one is in Singapore, so
foreign visitors need to start up with a normal tourist visa.
Such foreigners, who
initially arrive upon obtaining a Social Visit Pass, may need to extend their visa every
2 weeks, for a longer stay here while waiting for the LTSVP to go through. When the
total period (including the Social Visit Passes given upon their arrival) is up to 3
months, they may apply for an extension of stay at:
Visitor Services Centre
4th Storey, ICA Building
10 Kallang Road (Next to Lavender MRT station)
Singapore 208718
Long-Term Social Visit Pass holders are required to obtain their own Employment
Pass or Work Permit in order to work in Singapore, though they are allowed to
pursue short courses while still on their Social Visit Pass.
LTSVP holders who are frequent travelers can apply for automated immigration
clearance for faster immigration clearance at checkpoints.
You may enter the following text into a google search and click on “I’m feeling lucky”

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Post by chromesmic » Fri, 23 Jan 2009 5:17 pm

that's a great help - thank you.

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Post by notwavingdrowning » Thu, 05 Feb 2009 6:49 am

We went thru what you are going thru 6 months ago...

As an Australian engaged to someone holding an EP I was entitled to nothing. THe Aust embassy stopped issuing common law certs a year ago. I was running in circles working it out..

We ended up having to visit a lawyer who documented our relationship, (with a small amount of evidence) we are now considered "legally married" in the eyes of the Singapore law. I got my LTSVP within a fortnight with this document.

Good luck back from the Ashram and looking for a new career.

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Post by carteki » Sun, 01 Mar 2009 9:10 pm

To state the obvious, is it not worth actually signing the piece of paper to get married? This way your partner will get a Dependent pass which gives her far more flexibility in what she can do in SG. She won't even need a work permit if she wants to work.

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Post by alexparis » Thu, 23 Apr 2009 3:30 am

What kind of evidence did you need?

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Post by ksl » Fri, 24 Apr 2009 10:40 am

notwavingdrowning wrote:We went thru what you are going thru 6 months ago...

As an Australian engaged to someone holding an EP I was entitled to nothing. THe Aust embassy stopped issuing common law certs a year ago. I was running in circles working it out..

We ended up having to visit a lawyer who documented our relationship, (with a small amount of evidence) we are now considered "legally married" in the eyes of the Singapore law. I got my LTSVP within a fortnight with this document.

Good luck
In the eyes of the de facto relationship you have and the evidence of living together, I would expect you should have had the dependant pass for your live in girlfriend, because she is wholly dependant on your income....the LTSVP does not allow her to seek work, like the Dependant pass, so i would look into getting it changed for her. They did used to issue the dependant pass

You can take the oath in UK, at any authorised commission, you may have to document you share the same premises, like utility bills her bank statements, anything that shows, you are both in the same property.

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