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by ashmika » Tue, 20 Jan 2009 2:23 pm
We moved here couple of months back & recently my 18 mths old baby joined me. After 3-4 days she developed small skin eruptions on her shoulder & back, looks like prickly heat but not that itchy.
Is it common here ? What sort of lotion or cream I should apply before going out & for swimming. Please suggest me the name of the lostion & where can I find it.
Thanks in advance
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by amiee40 » Tue, 20 Jan 2009 3:22 pm
My little girl had the same problem when we first arrived. Not sure whether it was sun exposure or heat rash. It doesn't get any worse and if your little one doesn't scratch it to death, then its fine. It will disappear after a few days. I get it sometimes myself if my arms are exposed to the sun too much.
Next time try putting on a wide brim hat on her and sun lotion (once the spots have disappeared).
Hope this helps.
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by ashmika » Tue, 20 Jan 2009 3:28 pm
Thanks Amie,
Can you suggest me some good sun screen for infants & also the lotion to be use before swimming. I don't have much idea & my little one don't allow me to explore much in the shop.
amiee40 wrote:Hi
My little girl had the same problem when we first arrived. Not sure whether it was sun exposure or heat rash. It doesn't get any worse and if your little one doesn't scratch it to death, then its fine. It will disappear after a few days. I get it sometimes myself if my arms are exposed to the sun too much.
Next time try putting on a wide brim hat on her and sun lotion (once the spots have disappeared).
Hope this helps.
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by amiee40 » Tue, 20 Jan 2009 3:39 pm
Sorry can't help you on that one. I stocked up on baby suncream from Australia before i arrived. I was told they are expensive here. Since i never had the need to buy it, i am not sure which brands are available in Singapore. Perhaps try your local Guardian or Watsons.
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by serenitynow » Sun, 25 Jan 2009 1:34 pm
ashmika - My 7 month old son got the same symptoms (prickly heat-type little red bumps) after being an afternoon out at the Botanical Gardens a couple of days ago. The bumps were all over his chest area and none were seen on his exposed skin. (I thought it was something that I ate as I am currently breastfeedin; however, I just had the same meal yesterday and he didn't break out.) The bumps have nearly all faded now. I've gathered that it must be the sun and/or heat.(Although, isn't there a higher chance of a breakout on his exposed skin rather than his covered skin? Hmm.) Anyway, next time I'm going to try staying in the shade, bringing his electric fan and giving him more sips of water to ensure that these bumps don't return.
As for sunscreen, I believe Buds or SebaMed brands sold at Robinson's (CentrePoint of Raffles Place Mall) may carry sunscreen in their product line. If they don't then chances are Robinson's will carry some kind of sunscreen for babies / toddlers. As with aimee, I stocked up from the US for the same reason - high prices in Singapore. We use Aveeno.
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by ashmika » Sun, 25 Jan 2009 5:16 pm
Thanks alot for all the information. We go to a playground daily sometime around 4.30-5 pm. She is still having the same problem & bit itchy. I got the banana boat sunscreen for kid. Will try to look Robinson for sure.
May be good hydration during paly time will help . I will try to take care of that too.
Thanks once again.
serenitynow wrote:ashmika - My 7 month old son got the same symptoms (prickly heat-type little red bumps) after being an afternoon out at the Botanical Gardens a couple of days ago. The bumps were all over his chest area and none were seen on his exposed skin. (I thought it was something that I ate as I am currently breastfeedin; however, I just had the same meal yesterday and he didn't break out.) The bumps have nearly all faded now. I've gathered that it must be the sun and/or heat.(Although, isn't there a higher chance of a breakout on his exposed skin rather than his covered skin? Hmm.) Anyway, next time I'm going to try staying in the shade, bringing his electric fan and giving him more sips of water to ensure that these bumps don't return.
As for sunscreen, I believe Buds or SebaMed brands sold at Robinson's (CentrePoint of Raffles Place Mall) may carry sunscreen in their product line. If they don't then chances are Robinson's will carry some kind of sunscreen for babies / toddlers. As with aimee, I stocked up from the US for the same reason - high prices in Singapore. We use Aveeno.
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by helenl » Wed, 28 Jan 2009 8:43 pm
amiee40 wrote:Sorry can't help you on that one. I stocked up on baby suncream from Australia before i arrived. I was told they are expensive here. Since i never had the need to buy it, i am not sure which brands are available in Singapore. Perhaps try your local Guardian or Watsons.
Hi amiee40, we relocated to here about 6 months ago from sydney. we live at river valley, not far from the orchard road. our daughter is 2 years old. how old is your baby? i host regular playdate and you are welcome to join us

Warm Regards,
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You need to register a business unless you meet the exemption criteria as shown on this web page.
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SCT will only allow him to claim a prorated value of the second hand chair and maybe nothing at all. Tell him to bugger off and you'll see him in SCT.
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