Fascinating!! Why on earth would you even consider surgery as an option??!!!
Surely the correct sort of remedial exercise or even the correct sort of stretches after exercise will do the same thing in a more appropriate manner???
Also surely toned calves are more attractive in both men and women than skinny, bony legs?
I have danced since the age of four (a looong time ago believe me

) - classical ballet training does give very muscular legs, yet DVDs such as the New york City Ballet Workout sells itself to those wishing to have the lean physique of a dancer. I've never danced professionally but attend class 3 or 4 times a week and am built for "allegro" so a lot of jumping. Yes I have very muscular legs which, fair enough, I'm not so fond of so don't tend to display too much.
The "lean" dancer's physique is obtained by stretching after class - the calves, the hamstrings, the quads, as well as just about everything else!
Surgery, IMO is a prety stupid, not to say lazy way of obtaining any sort of effect!