appletea wrote:it's not really me...but what if this things happens to you....what are you going to do??
Well if it's your husband, there could be many reasons, like his libido is not compatible with your own, maybe he's gay, and not talking about it, maybe he has a lover, maybe he doesn't really love you, maybe he has a chemical imbalance, there are really many alternatives.
If it happens to a man, it doesn't really bother him mentally so much, normally because the physical is tuned in to the mental, he will just not feel horny. I guess it's the same for women, when they just don't want sex or are suffering from stress, anxiety or other social problems.
The thought of sex should be stimulating, however not many women, think that way, a few yes, and if i'm lucky, well I wouldn't tell anyone
I can recall a woman over 40 attempting to seduce me, i was 21 at the time, and her husband had, had importance for years, because of the medication for a heart attack, It's very sad, and i comforted her yet didn't take advantage of the situation even though she was half naked.
I knew she would have regretted her actions, yet i was so attracted to her and still am, so there is really no peace, just a yearning that you never had what you wanted and needed.
Isn't it one of the 10 commandments that says not to make love with thy neighbour?, and I thought about why he would say that for most of my life, Which is pretty damn obvious to most of's like inviting trouble on your doorstep.
Then i thought well he says nothing about doing it away from home, or did I miss that part

Love & sex is not the same, although conscience, integrity and character is something we all have to deal with.
Wants and needs are very important indeed and must not be neglected for too long. Many will say go to a councillor, but what do they really know, unless they study sex, which they don't.
Symptoms of your mans problems are very important, there must be more detailed information that isn't revealed, it is likely to be very private on his part or, or under a great deal of stress.
More information is required of symptoms, you may also search the symptoms for answers, yet it is an elimination process, you must do one at a time.
Sex is one of my favourite subjects, having studied sex since I was a teen, it's not uncommon at all for the illussion of love flame to die out by both parties, because we tend to take each other for granted. What is left, is enough to care for a while, then traditions may step in. So the more information you give the better, although a public forum is not the place.
So if you want to PM any detailed information, it will be held in confidence.