Forks wrote:ksl wrote: Fanatics never give up
Your right KSL but who exactly are the fanatics? Its not just the Muslims (and most are not fanatics anyway) you know. Religious fanatics come from all over, all religions (note the religious fanatics in India behind the bombings there who were trying to blame it on the Muslims, or the Jewish fanatics in Israel, or the mad christian fanatics in the US who stand behind bush, or the political fanatics who promoted the war in Iraq on lies, lies and lies).
If anything the situation in the middle east is a complex one and boiling it down to black and white is sorta how it got in trouble in the first place.
I am embracing everyone's ideologies and their right to have them, however all Government have laws of Civil defence or rely on outsiders to support them. There are many nutters in the world, that use, there power for their own selfish wants and needs.
The whole blame of the troubles in the East must lie with those that created the problem after the 2nd world war, although those days are well gone. My point is that governments like the US and Europeans, try their best to secure freedom and democracies, based on a majority vote.
Most of the troubles in the Middle East are now, being thrown back in the faces of the west, simply because, they, the west have sold them, the militias out, like the mujahedeen and all the others that had been promised support.
The old shah of Iran who was quite liberal had to do a runner, because of the extremists, The middle east has always been a melting pot, and how many ME Countries are run by governments! They all have their own militias and leaders, they all want a piece of the pye
Hence, once Bush calls everyone a terrorist, because of the 9/11 all funding was stopped, large sums of money frozen and probably confiscated. For the other Countries to rally behind Bush was a very big mistake
What governments and i mean politicians have done over the years is to ignore the threats, that were very clear, would happen in the late 60's, right up to today, so for the last 40 years, the doors of Europe have been open, for potential terrorists from all Countries, to be excepted as refugees, human rights laws have been strengthened, While the stupid west and US consentrated on Communism, even though they knew about the build up of extremism.
All governments that have supported subversive warfare in the Middle East, to keep it out of the hands of Communism have now turned their backs on them. Now communism isn't a threat, so it's a new enemy which the USA & other nations had backed for many years.
So defence of Singapore is more needed today, than at any other time, Singapore is and always has been of Strategic value in the straights, and will be protected. Many foreigners died in the past so that Singapore citizens could be free under the hierarchy structure of the British.
Now even the UK isn't what it was, and the reason why, is simply that all the wealth of Britain has been syphoned off, to offshore banks, the privileged have sucked the blood out of the Country and sold off it's Country to everyone in the world.
All the talent gone, all industry gone, all inventions sold off, all large businesses sold off, most of London is taken over by rich wealthy Arabs, Russians, Greeks, in fact everyone has a slice, except the working man, and those that have worked hard all their lives are now punished for it.
All wars are wrong in my mind, and I am a defence minded kind of guy, The blame all lies with those that caused it, and the fanatics will fight on, those civilians that die, I feel so sorry for. it could all stop tomorrow, but it will not.
The Palestinians deserve a place to live and so do the jewish settlers, so why don't the surrounding Countries also give them land, there is no solution to the problem, this is how humans behave, when living under those circumstance year in and year out, they want revenge and I'm not just saying it's a muslim problem, because most terrorists only trust terrorists.
Singapore is really more in need of defence today, than any other time in its history. If you were only to realise how much power the gun carries, and how much damage one person can do, that is trained to do it, this Island could easy be over run. well it was when the British had it that must have been awfully embarrassing! I really don't see any end to it, until there is all out war.
Many of you may think you are right to say there are no hostile threats in the area, just because they do not advertise a threat doesn't mean, that they are not observing or planning one.
Just like any good businessman, he wants market share, so how is he going to take it away from those that have it?
I personally avoid all the media for me it's just a bad dream, that i never wake up from, having worked with these refugees from the middle east, I know how well, they have been screwed by western politics. But hey, our own politics screw us too, in many ways, and occasionally the ones that flip out, get shot dead.
Forks is right it, ideologies that differ from the norm, are also included, but my main point is that, troubles around the world are happening everyday of the week, people are literally being slaughtered, starved, robbed of their lives on a daily basis, by their leaders of their Countries, and nothing is done. Why? When one is closely involved day in and day out, one becomes traumatised by what happens, one adapts, to live, it's life in the jungle, with nothing else in sight.
So yes fanatics, there will always be, and if they are not monitored and educated to talk in stead of violence, what can i say, tit for tat, and guerilla warfare you can never beat it. Many of the sufferers of all wars carry the scars for life, so i can understand why some people think earth could be heaven, but its really hell for them and if you have been in the thick of it, you will never forget it.
For those that have perished, God rest their souls. although one cannot change destiny, and through history, until today, there has not been any solution to warfare and my heart carries a heavy burden of emotion for the people that suffer in the world, and for what!