deepanshu_s wrote:sundaymorningstaple wrote:Saint wrote:
I wished the government would make it compulsary that all children of PR parents have to also become PR. Will stop people just using the PR option as a long term savings plan.
Just my opinion
100% Agreement with you saint!
Et tu, Brute(sms) ?...and when i thought you had a better understanding of the system
whats this you guys have against PRs...they contribute equally to the country and even more than the citizen by paying higher prices and take less subsidy...they pay the same tax, they even go to NS.
so whats the issue if people move back to the country of origin!!...thats where the roots are, they will move back one day or the other, let them decide when its best for them and their family to move back..
You know the rules of taking up PR. If you don't like them, why do you want to take it up? The government is very clear of the obligations of taking PR. Nobody is forcing you to take PR. You do it of you own free will. Of course there are some codicils if you do so. These are told to you up front. The problem is that you people seem to have some kind of big misconception about the whole thing.
For the record, PERMANENT RESIDENCE is just that. They are giving you the opportunity to stay in Singapore Permanently. PR is not given in 5 year intervals. I think you need to return to the books and learn some reading comprehension. You can live IN SINGAPORE Permanently without even renewing your PR. Your PR does not Expire.
However. IF you want to leave Singapore for trips and holidays or business, etc. You must have a valid Re-entry permit (this is separate from PR). The government gives you a Re-entry permit provided you have PR and also a job (with exceptions - I'll not go into all that here). If you never leave Singapore (and lots of Singaporeans have never been out of Singapore - not even to JB or Batam) you do not need to renew your Re-entry permit. If you do leave Singapore without a re-entry permit, however, you are signaling to the government that it is your intention to give up your PR. If it is expired before you leave you will have to file an IR21 (Tax Clearance) first. If you leave on a valid exit permit but it expires while you are out of the country, you could find yourself fined when you return to Singapore (I think it's $100 fine if you plane on renewing it). If you don't renew it. Don't bother to return as you will have been evading taxes possibly. Long term serious damage to your credibility.
What do I have against PR's? Real PR's, absolutely nothing. I'm one. PR's who are just using the system to keep from having to leave the country while they look for a new job after they've been replaced by locals or are just hopping all over the world collecting PR's (I know this is a favourite pasttime of some people from the sub-continent) just make it harder on those of us who are here for the long term. It's because of the "AB-users" of the system that our subsidies have been curtailed in the past couple of years.
They don't pay higher prices unless you are determined to shop in Jason's or Cold Storage. But because of abusers, we now have to pay higher prices at the Polyclinics & hospitals. We don't get the rest of the handout from the government as that is for the citizens. However, we are allowed to buy HDB flats. CPF contributions pay interest at a much higher rate the the same saving in the banks and it's guaranteed by the government as well.
I have no issues with those people who want to move back to their country of origin. The sooner the better the way I see it, before they ruin it for the rest of us.