danial, more English lesson here. How to get a maid is NOT what he/she asked. It's whether to get a full-time live-in maid or to use daycare.
I don't get to help him/her with the inquiry with the above, but I do hope that it will help you realize your weaknesses before you start criticizing people.
Oh and for what it's worth, OP, we chose a fulltime maid because where we live (and where our kids go to school) there is no daycare that will open until 6pm or later. We tried before and we can only find one which opens until about 5.30pm. And if we are late in picking up (eg. there is an urgent issue in office that needs taking care of) then they charge something like 50 bucks per 30 minutes or so (can't exactly remember but you get the point). One month and I spent much more than what we planned so it's out.
That, plus that we have experience hiring maids anyway .... so the decision in the end wasn't so difficult for us (and if I were you I won't hire local - but that's just me).