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Advice - Best lightweight & comfortable stroller for infant

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Advice - Best lightweight & comfortable stroller for inf

Post by amiee40 » Fri, 02 Jan 2009 3:36 pm

Hi mums

I need some advice. I am looking for a very light, travel type of stroller for my 6mth old. Something that can also be used later on when he is bigger.

Currently i have a Bugaboo Cameleon which is not practical to take on buses as when you fold it, its two pieces. Right now, i am using a Bjorn to buses and MRTs but its getting a bit tiring on my back even with the back support.

Thanks heaps

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Post by durain » Fri, 02 Jan 2009 8:22 pm

for a super lightweight pushchair at only 4kg (8.8lb), check out the maclaren volo. once collapsed, there's a strap for you to sling it over your shoulder to carry it.

product website...

review... ... sku=WO7010

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Post by cbavasi » Fri, 02 Jan 2009 9:40 pm

durain wrote:for a super lightweight pushchair at only 4kg (8.8lb), check out the maclaren volo. once collapsed, there's a strap for you to sling it over your shoulder to carry it.

product website...

review... ... sku=WO7010
durain - if you ever are in need of a job - hit up maclaren or quinny as a salesguy! :D

i've had yet

ANOTHER stroller fall apart on me (travel one) - so i'm going to check out that maclaren!

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Post by durain » Fri, 02 Jan 2009 9:51 pm

no la, only trying to help mah. :)

i know the feeling of lugging a heavy pushchair around and going up and down on public transport, etc. not easy, especially on those buses with the middle handle bar at the doors!

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Post by amiee40 » Sat, 03 Jan 2009 10:26 am

thanks Durian.

I will have a look at it today... hope its not too expensive, i have already spent heaps on getting all the accessories for the bugaboo.. wish i can sell it on ebay back in Australia, still can get nearly the full price back, ebay in singapore is hopeless..

I am not saying bugaboo is bad, it is very very easy to handle if i wasn't going on a bus.. i would love to keep it but our condo is quite small and no room..

thanks again...

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Post by Blue Sapphire » Sat, 03 Jan 2009 1:45 pm

I have an Aprica (Japanese brand) that I use whenever I need to go out on my own with my son. Its also about 4kg with a strap to carry it on your shoulder. And the best part about it is that you can open and close it with one hand while you are holding your kid with your other hand. People are often amazed when they see me opening/closing it up. It also has this vent system on the back.

Only thing is that Aprica is quite expensive, they dont come less than $500. But they very durable even if it may not look like it.

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Post by cbavasi » Sat, 03 Jan 2009 7:43 pm

amiee40 - have you tried selling your stroller on this site in the classified section? i sold my bugaboo frog within a couple of days. you can also post on the board outside of the mother & child clinic in tanglin - the bugaboos seem to go quite quickly.

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Post by natalyakir » Sun, 04 Jan 2009 9:38 am

I think Aprica is not that durable and stardy as Maclaren.When I looked at Aprica and other like brands they seemed to become fastly rickety. I stopped using my heavy stroller after I bought Maclaren. Basically Maclaren Volo is not good for infants below 1 year +, because it doesn't recline and babies very often fall asleep in strollers, so if you go for long walks or go around city with your baby for shopping, playdates etc. , I think Maclaren Quest is the best choice. It is just 1 kg heavier than Maclaren Triumph and 2 more kg heavier than Volo, but if you want the best Universal stroller, only Mac Quest. Because baby can sleep in it if he suddenly falls asleep and the sit under him can be taken out to support legs. It is still very light and you can manage buses and even narrow escalators. And also I tried to put my 8 months old baby in a Mac Volo and he wasn't comfortable, the sit liner underneath him is very harsh and left red traces on his legs, same is Triumph, but Quest has soft lining, so highly recommend.

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Post by amiee40 » Sun, 04 Jan 2009 9:55 am

Hi Cbavasi

No, i haven't. I will look into and have to think about. We have no intentions of staying for more than the 2yr contract so my son can still use the bugaboo back in Melbourne where it is so to travel with a stroller on trams, trains etc. Plus i would have a car so it wouldn't be an issue.

So i need something cheap in the mean time.

I will have a look at the classfields on this forum. I tried to post something for sale on this other expat singapore forum, my ads were deleted numerous times as the BM thought they were commercial and couldn't add up saying that the total sale price was over $300 so i'd have to pay. He even threatened to report met o the authorities because i stood my ground. So i am bit hesitant.

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Post by Blue Sapphire » Sun, 04 Jan 2009 10:38 am

natalyakir wrote:I think Aprica is not that durable and stardy as Maclaren.When I looked at Aprica and other like brands they seemed to become fastly rickety. I stopped using my heavy stroller after I bought Maclaren. Basically Maclaren Volo is not good for infants below 1 year +, because it doesn't recline and babies very often fall asleep in strollers, so if you go for long walks or go around city with your baby for shopping, playdates etc. , I think Maclaren Quest is the best choice. It is just 1 kg heavier than Maclaren Triumph and 2 more kg heavier than Volo, but if you want the best Universal stroller, only Mac Quest. Because baby can sleep in it if he suddenly falls asleep and the sit under him can be taken out to support legs. It is still very light and you can manage buses and even narrow escalators. And also I tried to put my 8 months old baby in a Mac Volo and he wasn't comfortable, the sit liner underneath him is very harsh and left red traces on his legs, same is Triumph, but Quest has soft lining, so highly recommend.
Natalya, I suppose you own an Aprica too thats why you are so quick with your comments and would be the best person to make such a comparison!
And no the Maclaren isnt more superior than an Aprica. They are just 2 differently designed strollers. Aprica only looks shaky because of its design and the light material that its built with. It isnt $500+ for a basic model for nothing. You cannot compare it to cheap brands like lucky baby etc.

I also own a quinny zap, its a great compact stroller but it doesnt recline and best used for toddlers with its original seat. But you can use it with a maxi cosi cabriofix carseat for your child under 12 mtns. This might be useful when travelling by taxi and plane.

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Post by joop » Sun, 04 Jan 2009 10:46 am

I'll vote for Combi strollers, easy to close/open and light-weight best suited for mummies on public transport or out alone. :)
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Post by cbavasi » Sun, 04 Jan 2009 10:56 am

amiee40 - if you don't have to sell your bugaboo definitely don't! i only sold ours b/c i bought the phil & teds double and we were moving into a smaller apt... no room for both those SUVs :D
i have to say after we moved on from the double i wished i'd had my bugaboo back just b/c it was so durable/comfortable...etc. if you have the room and are definitely moving back - keep it!

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Post by durain » Sun, 04 Jan 2009 8:33 pm

also, if you are thinking of having another kid in a few years time, defo dont sell the bugaboo yet. bugaboo is still an excellent pushchair. it is unfortrunately there's no single multi-purpose pushchair that take care of every single situation. guessed that's the holy grail for every parents.

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Post by amiee40 » Sun, 04 Jan 2009 9:15 pm

Thanks Durian..

No, no plans for anymore kids.. two is enough for me.

I thought about a Phil & Ted before but my oldest is already 4 and she prefers to walk most of the time and if she is tired, i have a wheeled board attachment for the bugaboo.

We are thinking of travelling to Korea/Taiwan for a few weeks and to take the bugaboo is abit hard. The travel bag for it itself is bigger than all our luggage. Then you would have to assembly it once you are arrive. So i need something rather cheap so i won't mind if it is lost or damaged during transit.

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Post by cbavasi » Sun, 04 Jan 2009 9:27 pm

amiee40 - you can check out the mothercare collapsable stroller (their own brand) - i think i paid $100 or something thereabouts. that is the one we've been using for travel with our younger one - but my older one was sitting in it at the airport and rammed his leg through the bottom rubber bit that holds their feet up so have to get yet another collapsible. i think you could probably get a good resale on a macleran if you wanted to sell it again which is why i think i may go that route.

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